Newton's Law
Under Pressure
Force and Motion

How does velocity differ from speed?

What is speed is the rate at which an object is moving along a path, while velocity is the rate and direction of an object's movement.


State Newton's 1st Law

What is Newton's first law states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force.


What is the equation for calculating pressure?

What is pressure=force divided by area


What does "N" stand for?



The amount of matter in an object is called?

What is mass?


What units are used to measure speed?

meters per second 


If you were to throw a ball in space what would happen according to the Law of Inertia? 

It will travel in a straight line indefinitely 



What is Mass/Volume?


An object used as a reference point to describe motion should be?

What is stationary?


Air resistance is which type of friction?

A. fluid

B. static

C. rolling

D. sliding

What is fluid friction?


If an object is has the force of 200 N and weighs 20 kg, what is the acceleration of the the object?

10 m/s2

State Newton's 2nd Law

What is it states that the time rate of change of the momentum of a body is equal in both magnitude and direction to the force imposed on it.


Why doesn't air pressure crush human beings standing at sea level?

What is pressure from fluids in our bodies shields us from air pressure?


An object is in motion, if no outside force is acting the object, what will the object do?

Move with the same speed and direction.


What causes a solar eclipse?

What is the moon moves between the sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth. 


List the equation for finding acceleration.

acceleration=net force divided by mass


State Newton's 3rd Law

What is states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 


Daily Double: What is the upward force that acts on an airplane's wing?

What is lift?


If you know a car travels 30 km in 20 minutes what can you calculate with this information? 

What is average speed?


If a person is walking with a constant velocity of 2km/hr, what is their acceleration?

What is acceleration= 0 m/s2


You blow up a balloon and let it go so that the air escapes out of the opening. What happens next? Which of Newton's Law explains this? Be specific with your word choice!!!

What is according to Newton's Third Law of Motion, as the gas is released from the balloon and pushes against the outside air, the outside air pushes back.


How can Newton's 1st and 3rd Law explain how seatbelts work in a car accident?

What is when the car crashes, there is no unbalanced force acting on the person, so they continue forward (Newton's First Law). The person moves against the seat belt, exerting a force on it. The seat belt then exerts a force back on the person (Newton's Third Law).


How does Pascal's principle explain why you can squeeze toothpaste out of a tube?

What is Pascal's law states that a change in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally throughout the fluid. The ability of fluids to transmit pressure in this way can be very useful—from getting toothpaste out of a tube to applying the brakes on a car.


Two 10 cm3 blocks are placed in a beaker of unknown liquid. One block sinks, while the other floats. What can we infer about the blocks?  

What is the blocks have the same volume, but different mass. Therefore, they have different densities causing one to sink and the other to float. 


You observe that a chunk of tar sinks in puddles of rainwater, but floats on the ocean. An experiment to explain the behavior of the tar should measure what?

What is the densities of the fresh water, salt water and tar?