Newton's Laws
Balanced & Unbalanced
Force & Motion Misc.

It states that an object at rest will stay at rest; while an object in motion will stay in motion until a force acts upon it.

What is the First Law of Motion?


The force that pulls all objects in the universe toward one another.

What is gravitation?


Forces that are NOT equal and cause an object to move

What are unbalanced forces?


A change in motion caused by unbalanced forces or a change in velocity.

What is acceleration?


A push or a pull

What is a force?


It states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is the Third Law of Motion?


The amount of matter in an object 

What is mass?


Forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction, canceling each other out. The object's motion is constant or does not change.

What are balanced forces?


To determine the speed of an object, you need to know the ___________ and the _________.

What are distance and time?


Which law- the force needed to lift a bowling ball is greater than the force needed to lift a basketball.

What is 2nd law?


It states that the speed of an object depends on its mass and the force used to move it. Both mass and the force of gravity will determine the acceleration of an object.

What is the Second Law of Motion?

An object's speed in a particular direction.
What is velocity?

An object is moving along a surface and suddenly increases speed. A(n) ___________ force caused this to happen.

What is an unbalanced force.


When a ball is thrown straight up into the air: the ball goes slower and slower as it goes up, __________, and then goes faster and faster as it comes down.

What is stops?

A pencil falls off a desk and is pulled to the floor by __________.
What is gravity?

A rocket engine pushes burning gases out of the back of the rocket. The gases provide the force that move the rocket forward. This is an example of the _______ Law of Motion.

What is the Third Law of Motion?


The property of matter that keeps it moving in a straight line or keeps it at rest- related to its mass

What is inertia?


In a tug of war game, two people are pulling on the opposite ends of the rope with equal, but opposite forces. The rope will ______________.

What is stay in place (not move)?


On a distance time  graph, the line is straight across. This is an indication that the car is _________________.

What is not moving?


Workers spread sand over icy bridges and roads in the winter to increase __________ between the road and the tires of the car.

What is friction?

This is an example of the _______ Law of Motion: cars that are used for drag racing are very light because a car with less mass accelerates faster.
What is the Second Law of Motion?

The result of two or more forces acting together on an object.

What is net force?


A ball has two forces acting on it. One force is pushing the ball to the left, and a LARGER force is pushing it to the right. The ball will move __________.

What is to the right?


A car travels 100 miles in 4 hours. The speed of the car is _______ mph.

What is 25 mi/hr?


A child applied a 4 N force to a toy with a mass of 2 kg. How much did the toy accelerate? 

number and a unit

What is 2 m/s/s?