Types of forces
balanced and unbalanced forces
Calcuating acceleration

Unbalanced forces cause an object to ______________________. This can be stated mathematically by the formula:

F = ____ * ____

what is move?


What is the definition of force?

what is push or pull?


A change in an object motion is caused by

unbalanced force


the measurment of force is.....

what are newtons


how do you calculate acceleration

By final velocity-intial velocity divided by time


How much force is needed to accelerate a 66 kg skier at 2 m/s?

Use F = _mass___ * _acceleration___ to help you

what F = 132?


What is gravity force?

What is when the earth or moon attracts other objects towards it.


which of these object have a greater inertia? A bowling ball, a wooden ball, a plastic ball

a bowling ball


force is described as......

what is push or pull

Are acceleration and time graphs the same? Why or why not

They are not the same because the time graph is consistant.


A force of 250 N is applied to an object that accelerates at a rate of 5 m/s.  What is the mass of the object?

what is m = 50kg?


when you slide a box across the floor what force must your push be stronger than?

what is friction


describe the motion of a person not wearing a seatbelt if the car stops suddenly

the car will stop and the person will keep moving forward.


A bowling ball and a tennis ball are dropped from the Empire state building. Which of the objects will be affected the most

what is both?


A bowling ball rolled with a force of 15 N accelerates at a rate of 3 m/s; a second ball rolled with the same force accelerates 4 m/s.  What are the masses of the two balls?


.  What are the masses of the two balls?

what is ball 1 = 5 and ball 2 = 3.75?


what forces are acting on a book when it falls to the floor

what is gravity and air resistance?


A falling object is pulled down by the earth. the earth is pulled up to the object. why doesnt the earth move?

the earth has a big mass and very small acceleration


Gravity affect projectile motion.....

what is vertically


A 5 kg block is pulled across a table by a horizontal force of 40 N with a frictional force of 8 N opposing 

the motion.  Calculate the acceleration of the object. 

what is 9.6 m/s2


which ball will hit the ground first if dropped at the same time and at the same height in a perfect vacuum? A wood ball, plastic ball, or a medal ball?

what is they drop they will hit the ground at the same time.


when you walk accros the ground and push on it with your feet......

the ground pushes back on your feet with equal force


project tiled motion is described as.......

what is the curved path an object follows as it is thrown or propelled near earths surface?