Newton's Laws of motion
Balanced or Unbalanced
El Mago

Diagram the triangle and use the formula. The mass of an object is 25 g and it is accelerating at 32 meters per second squared. Solve for the missing variable.

F= 800 Newtons.


Jaylin was on her 87th push up of her daily 300 push up regiment. When she pushed off the floor, she raised herself up off of the ground.  Which of Newton's Laws BEST explains this?

3rd law. Action/Reaction.


Quetzy sprints down the hallway to get to history class and accidentally launches Mr. Anthony's door across the room when she tries to open it. Is this an example of a balanced force or an unbalanced force?



What is speed?

A rate. Distance divided by time.


Why don't you ever see elephants hiding in a tree?

They're very good at it. Double points!!


Diagram the triangle and use the formula. Denise throws a 0.95 kg softball with a force of 57 N, how fast was the ball accelerating in meters/second?

a= 57 m/s squared. (spin the wheel)


Aylin is watching a book sit on a desk. The book is not moving. Which of Newton's laws BEST explains this phenomena?

1st law. Inertia. Aylin was at rest, so she remained at rest.


Miguel applies 12 newtons of force when he kicks a soccer ball approaching him, the ball flies across the white top with a force of 8 Newtons. Is this an example of a balanced or unbalanced force?



What is velocity?

Speed plus a direction.


haz un dibujo de un conejo en una motocicleta saltando una rampa sobre una piscina de pirañas ciegas

Garcia decides (double your score).


Diagram the triangle and use the formula. Caleb catches a soccer ball flying at him with a mass of 300 grams, and an acceleration of 22 meters/second squared. How much force did the ball possess when Caleb stopped it?

F = 6,600 N  Double points!!


Angela flung a rock at Mr. Garcia's and Mr. Ruiz's windows and the rocks bounced off. Vanessa threw a smaller rock at both windows and these rocks fractured both windows. Which of Newton's laws BEST explain why this happened?

2nd law. F=ma (Vanessa threw rocks with greater acceleration, she's buff!) Double points!!


15N ----> 25N------------>

Unbalanced 40 Newtons to the right. (double points)


What is acceleration?

A change in speed, or change in direction.


¿Por qué un huevo fue al banco a pedir dinero prestado?

Porque estaba quebrado. Triple points!!!


Diagram the triangle and use the formula. Dinia pushes a rock up a hill with a force of 0.48 N, and an acceleration of 0.12 meters/second squared. What was the mass of the rock in kg?

m= 4 kg


Zaineb whispers at Leo to wake up. Nothing happens. Chau whispers at Leo to wake up, and Leo screams in terror. Though none of Newton's laws really apply here, which of them could BEST explain this phenomena?

2nd law. Chau whispered with greater force.


(Alex's tug of war force) 25N <------ -----------> 24.5N (Ulises' tug of war force)

Unbalanced 0.5 N to the left (Alex wins!) Spin the wheel.


If something is labeled as being 24 meters per second squared... is that an example of Speed, Velocity, or Acceleration?

Acceleration (the object is acceleration by 24 meters/second, each second).  Double points!!


¿Cuántas estrellas tiene el cielo?

50 ...  (spin the wheel!)


You are given the mass and force of an object, how do you find the acceleration of this object?

Divide the force of the object by the mass of the object.  Triple points!!!


Milo is leaning back on his chair, suddenly he falls. Which of Newton's laws BEST explains this phenomena?

1st law. Inertia. Milo was at rest until the balance shifted, then he was unbalanced until the floor balanced him out.


Draw a picture of Mareli and Marin dog sled racing. Diagram the dogs pulling with a net force of 45N.

Garcia decides. Triple points!!!


Jimmy made a graph of his run. The graph shows that he traveled 8 miles in 35 minutes. What was his average speed in miles/minute?

0.29 miles/minute. Triple points!!! (if you rounded)


First table to sit in reverse alphabetical order wins.

All other teams lose half their points.     >: ]