Mass and Gravity
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Sir Isaac Newton
Patterns in Motion

Would a hockey puck glide faster on a fluffy carpet or a smooth marble floor?

A smooth marble floor


The greater the ________ of the object, the more force it will take to move or speed up the motion



A balanced force has two equal forces acting in opposite or the same direction?



What is the EXACT position of Ms. R?

laying on top of the desk, in the middle of the room


Two types of force are 

Push and pull


Why are sidewalks made out of concrete and not ice?

If it was made out of ice, there would be no friction to stop you from falling.


Which object would take more force to move, pulling a wagon with 3 children in it or pushing a grocery cart with one bag of chips in it?

Pulling a wagon with 3 children in it


True or False: With an unbalanced force, two equal forces are acting in the same direction.

FALSE: An unbalanced force has two UNEQUAL forces acting in opposite directions. 


Isaac Newton's first law state that an object at rest or in motion will stay at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an _____________ force.

equal and opposite force


If a mom pushes a baby on a swing, what pattern will the swing move?

Back and forth


Does friction go in the opposite direction of something in motion, or the same friction as something in motion?

The opposite direction


If we push a ping pong ball and a golf ball with the same amount of force, which will travel faster?

A ping pong ball


 Which team would win tug of war, 1 or 2?

Team 1


According to Newtons 2nd Law, the greater the ___________ of an object, the more force it will take to accelerate it (speed it up)


Since things often move in patterns, we are able to __________ the patterns, before they happen.



Friction is a contact force which of the following is an example of a contact force?

Drawing with chalk on the chalkboard or

Doing a jumping Jack 

Drawing with chalk on the chalkboard


True or false: If you pushed someone hard enough on a swing, they will fly up and touch the moon.

FALSE: You would never have enough force in the push to do this! 


What is the EXACT position on Ms. R in this picture?

Upside down, in front of the cabinet 


What is inertia?

An an object will stay still or keep moving, unless acted upon by an outside force.


What would happen if the woman stopped pushing the girl on the swing?

It would slow down and eventually stop 


The two factors that affect the amount of friction 

The type of material and weight 


What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass is how much matter is in something, weight is a measure of the force pulling on the objects!


Which of the following is an example of a balanced force?

The vocabulary words hanging on the wall or a hamster running on a wheel

The vocabulary words hanging on the wall


Which of the following is an example of inertia?

Kicking a soccer ball so hard it flies right into the net or learning about force and motion

Kicking a soccer ball so hard it flies right into the net


Watch this video. If the pattern continues, how many seconds will it take to drop the first time, on the next ride?

about 13 seconds