Force and Motion 1
Force and Motion 2
Force and Motion 3
Force and Motion 4
Force and Motion 5

Whatever you push or pull will always be pushing or pulling back on you.

True or false?

What is true?


Formula used to calculate force.

What is F = m x a?


The force that acts directly against the direction of motion, usually when two surfaces come in contact and rub against each other.

What is friction?


A golf ball rolls down a hill on the golf course.  Which statement best describes how friction affects the motion of the golf ball?

A. Friction causes the golf ball to roll forwards and backwards.

B. Friction decreases how far the ball rolls.

C. Friction increases how fast the ball rolls.

D. Friction causes the ball to bounce.

B. Friction decreases how far the ball rolls.


Name a surface with low friction

ice or something very smooth.


If these boys are each pulling with the force of 10 newtons.  What will happen?

The boy in blue will win.

They will not move at all.

The boy in red will win.

What is they will not move at all. Balanced force is being applied.


If a giant gorilla is leaning on a wall the force being put on the wall is ___________ to the force being added by the gorilla.

  • Equal
  • Greater
  • Smaller

What is equal?


A car has 214 N of applied force going to the right and 30 N of friction going to the left. Draw an appropriate force diagram for this scenario.

(Shows board with force diagram)


True or False?

Gravity is the force that pushes two object away from each other.


Gravity pulls two objects towards each other. 


An object in motion will stay in motion unless...

What is acted on by an unbalanced force?


Formula for momentum.

What is p = m x v?


A 40 kg ball is moving at 6 m/s. Calculate the ball's momentum with CORRECT units.

What is 240 kg x m/s?


An increase in speed, decrease in speed, or change in direction.

What is acceleration?


What is the acceleration of an object that takes 20 seconds to change from a speed of 200 meters/second to 300 meters/second? 

A. 5 m/s2

B. 10 m/s

C. 100 m/s2

D. 100 m/s2

What is 5 m/s2?


When an object is sitting on the Earth, what do you call the force of gravity that is acting on the object?

What is weight?


The force of Earth's gravity pulls everything to

a. the edge of the Earth

b. the center of the Earth

c. away from the Earth

What is b. the center of the earth?


Type of friction that keeps an object at rest.

What is static friction?


A force is described by its _________ and __________.

What is size/strength and direction?


Name a surface with high friction.

Answers may vary


Name the scientist that created the three laws of motion.

Who is Sir Isaac Newton?


Two people are pushing a disabled car. One exerts a force of 200 N east, the other a force of 150 N east. What is the NET FORCE and DIRECTION exerted on the car?

What is 350 N east?


Force acting on an object moving in a circular path.

What is centripetal force?


Write the correct formula for acceleration.

What is a = vf - vi/time?


Calculate the acceleration using the correct units. (Hint: Find the force first, then use the formula a = F/m)

What is 5 m/s2?


Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, objects at rest tend to stay at rest, unless acted upon by a force.

What is inertia?