Newtons Law
What is a push or pull that causes something to change its motion?A.force B.inertia C. acceleration D.Friction
What is Force ?
Newton's first law of motion is sometimes called the law of inertia. True Or False?
What is True?
What is the distance an object travels?A.Acceleration. B.Speed. C.Force. D.Consumer
What is speed?
What is is a force that happens between two objects that touch each other, and tries to stop the objects? A.friction. B.Speed. C.Net Force. D. Noncontact Force.
What is friction?
When a ball falls to the ground, it's pulled down by what force? A.Gravity. B.Gravitation. C.Net Force. D.Acceleration
What is Gravity?
Which force that pushes up to support the weight of an objectA. Normal force B. Net force C. Force D. Conatct Force
What is Normal Force?
Which law states an object will keep doing what it is doing, if the force acting on it are balanced?A. Newtons Third Law of Motion B. Newtons Second Law of Motion C. First Law of Motion D. Newtons Fiest Law
What is Newton's First Law?
The size of the gravitational force depends on how many things? A. One. B. Two. C.Three. D.Four
What is Two?
When you rub your palms together you are using what friction? A.Sliding friction. B.Fluid friction. C.Rolling friction. D.Static friction.
What is Sliding friction?
What is a force that acts between any two objects and pulls them together? A.Noncontact Force. B.Gravity C.Gravitation. D.Net Force.
What is Gravitation?
What is the amount by the opposing forces acting on an object are unequal?A. Gravity B. noncontact forces C. Net force D Newtons third law of motion.
What is Net Force?
What simple name does Scientists have given for Kg x m/s²?A.Normal force B.Gravity C.Newton D. Net force
What is Newton (N)?
Gravity from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy infleuences the movements of our.A. Galaxy B. Solar System C. Earth D.Sun
What is Solar System?
When you swim in a pool you are using what friction? A.Static friction. B.Fluid friction. C.Rolling friction. D.Sliding friction.
What is Fluid friction?
Gravity is a universal force. True Or False?
What is True?
Which force that acts on an object to change its speed or direction from a distance A. Newton B.Normal force C.Mutation D.Noncontact Force
What is Noncontact Force?
Which law states the following: the acceleration of an object is related to the net force acting on it and the object's mass? A. Newtons's Second Law B. First Law of Motion C. Third Law of Motion D. Friction
What is Newton's Second Law?
What is an objects change in position relative to a reference point?A.Acceleration. B. Speed. C.Friction. D.Motion
What is Motion ?
When you push a desk and it doesnt move you are using what friction? A.Static friction. B.Rolling friction. C.Fluid friction.D.Sliding friction.
What is Static friction?
The amount of matter an object has? A.Force. B.Mass. C.friction.D.Inertia.
What is Mass.
A natural force geological process that makes minerals, rocks, and landforms A. Contact Force B. Net Force C. Noncontact Force D. Constructive Force?
What is Constructive Force?
Which law states that force come in pairs; for every action, and is a reaction that is equal in magnitude (size) but opposite in direction? A.Newtons Third Law of Motion B. Horizon C. Normal Force D. noncontact Force
What is Newton's Third Law?
On a distance-line graph, a straight line means that the speed is constant. True Or False?
What is True?
When a birds fly they are using what type of friction? . A.Rolling friction. B.Sliding friction C.Fluid friction. D.Static friction.
What is Fluid friction?
What makes earth rotate around the sun. A.Gravitation. B. Gravity. C.Mass.D.Friction.
What is Gravity?