Law 1
Law 2
Law 3
This is the change of position over time.
What is motion?
You push two chairs in a straight line with the same force. One chair is more massive than the other. The more massive chair will have _____ acceleration.
What is less?
You sit down in a chair to watch your favorite television show. The action force is your weight pushing down on the chair. This is the reaction force.
What is the chair pushing up on your body?
These are the measurements needed to calculate speed.
What are distance and time?
Velocity is a measure of these two things.
What is speed and direction?
A force that can change the motion of an object is called this.
What is unbalanced force?
Any force that is keeping an object moving in a circle is known as _________.
What is centripetal force?
This type of force acts on only 1 object.
What is balanced?
This is my speed if I travel 100 meters in 20 seconds.
What is 5 m/s?
Acceleration measures a change in this.
What is velocity?
This is a push or a pull.
What is force?
This is the amount of force needed to accelerate a 10 kg shopping cart by 3 m/s/s.
What is 30 N?
This type of force acts on different objects.
What is action/reaction
This is my speed if I travel 200 meters in 25 seconds.
What is 8 m/s?
If my initial velocity is 1 m/s and my final velocity is 7 m/s and my time is 3 seconds. This is my acceleration.
What is 2 m/s/s?
The overall force acting on an object when all forces are combined is this.
What is net force?
If a team pulls with a combined force of 9000 N on an airplane with a mass of 30,000 kg, this would be the acceleration of the airplane.
What is .3 m/s/s?
The action force is the force of scissors on paper, this would be the reaction force.
What is the force of paper on scissors?
If I am traveling at 2 m/s and I travel for 100 m. This is how long it would take me.
What is 50 seconds?
If my starting velocity is 0 m/s and my final velocity is 10 m/s and my time was 20 seconds. This would be my acceleration.
What is .5 m/s/s?
Objects at rest remain at rest, and objects in motion remain in motion at the same velocity, unless acted on by an unbalanced force. This statement is an example of this.
What is inertia?
A model rocket is accelerating at 2 m/s/s. The force on it is 1 N. This would be the mass of the rocket.
What is .5 kg?
John pulls a box with a force of 4 N, and Jason pulls the box from the opposite side with a force of 3 N. This will be the net force acting on the box.
What is 1 N toward John?
I travel at 2 m/s for 20 seconds, this is how far I would travel.
What is 40 meters?
A car goes from 20 m/s to 30 m/s in 10 seconds. This is its acceleration.
What is 10 m/s/s?