A student believes some materials are heated more than others when light shines on them. Which of the following investigations would demonstrate whether the student is correct? A. Place three of the same black shirts in the sunlight to see if their temperatures are different. B. Place three different colored materials in the sunlight to see if their temperatures are different. C. Place three soil samples from the same bag in the sunlight to see if their temperatures are different.
What is B. Place three different colored materials in the sunlight to see if their temperatures are different.
What pulls all items towards Earth? A. Friction B. Gravity C. Mass
What is B. Gravity
Four instruments were played in order to experiment with volume. The chart below describes the results of the experiment. Instrument: Volume in Decibels: Drum 80 Flute 50 Guitar 60 Trumpet 70 What can you conclude from this data? A. The drum is quieter than the trumpet. B. The guitar is quieter than the flute. C. The trumpet is louder than the guitar.
What is C. The trumpet is louder than the guitar.
3. What unit would you use to measure the amount of time it takes a bowling ball to roll down the alley and hit the pins? A. Hours B. Minutes C. Seconds
What is C. Seconds
2. At the beginning of spring a student planted a small tree. The student wanted to measure the tree at the beginning of spring and again at the end of the summer to see how much the tree grew. What unit of measurement should the student use? A. Grams B. Liters C. Meters
What is C. Meters
A student is measuring the temperature of two pieces of construction paper that are laying outside in the sunlight. The first piece of construction paper is dark blue. The second piece is light blue. The thermometers in the table show the temperature readings. Light Blue Construction Paper 14 degrees Dark Blue Construction Paper 15 degrees How does the temperature of the light blue construction paper compare to the temperature of the dark blue construction paper? A. The temperature of the light blue construction paper is cooler than the dark blue. B. The temperature of the light blue construction paper is the same as the dark blue. C. The temperature of the light blue construction paper is warmer than the dark blue.
What is A. The temperature of the light blue construction paper is cooler than the dark blue?
Which example describes a push? A. Hooking and reeling in a fish B. Playing tug-of-war C. Throwing a football
What is C. Throwing a football?
Which example describes a pull? A. Air moving a sailboat B. Gravity keeping a boulder in one spot C. Your foot kicking a soccer ball
What is B. Gravity keeping a boulder in one spot
7. What unit should be used to measure and record the time it takes for a planted seed to sprout? A. Minutes B. Hours C. Days
What is C. Days
6. What unit would you use to measure the distance traveled by a soccer ball kicked across the field? A. Centimeters B. Inches C. Meters
What is C. Meters
Students made marshmallow launchers that required them to blow through a tube, using their breath to move a marshmallow. Their results are: Student A 178 cm, Student B 207cm, Student C 144cm Which summary does this data support? A. Student A’s marshmallow traveled the shortest distance. B. Student B’s marshmallow had the longest average distance. C. Student C’s marshmallow went the fastest.
What is B. Student B’s marshmallow had the longest average distance.
A boy is playing kickball at recess. He kicks the ball forward. Which force would cause the ball to slow down? A. Another teammate kicking it to the right B. The ball rubbing against the ground C. Wind pushing it from behind
What is B. The ball rubbing against the ground?
The diagram below represents a balloon powered toy car. A student is testing the distance car travels in science class. She pumps the balloon three times and lets it go. It is going too fast. What can she do to slow the car down? A. Make the toy car lighter B. Pump the balloon more C. Test on a rougher surface
What is C. Test on a rougher surface
. A student was throwing a ball to his friend at recess. At first it traveled in a straight line, but as it got closer to his friend, it slowly curved down, toward the ground. What caused this change in direction? A. Friction B. Gravity C. The student
What is B. Gravity
A boy was rolling two balls across the floor to see which would go the fastest. He rolled a baseball and it traveled 3 meters. Then he rolled a marble and it traveled 5 meters in the same amount of time. What caused the marble to go further? A. He applied less force to the marble. B. It is smaller than the baseball. C. It is lighter than the baseball.
What is C. It is lighter than the baseball.
A girl is pulling a wagon when her little brother jumps in and asks for a ride. What does she need to do to keep the wagon the same speed as before? A. Add more force B. Change direction C. Push instead of pull
What is A. Add more force
A boy is trying to move his desk across the classroom. He pushes on the heavy desk, but it doesn’t move. What keeps the desk from moving? A. Friction between the desk and floor B. Gravity holding the desk to the floor C. Pushing cannot move the desk on the floor
What is A. Friction between the desk and floor?
Two classes are playing tug-of-war. If the center of the rope is not moving, what must be true? A. Both classes are pulling equally. B. Both classes have equal mass. C. The ground is slippery. D. One class is pulling harder than the other.
What is A. Both classes are pulling equally. B. Both classes have equal mass.
A student throws a Frisbee to his dog. What path describes how the Frisbee is moving? A. Away from the dog B. Through the air C. Toward the student
What is B. Through the air
How does the motion of a bowling ball change as it travels from the from the bowler’s hand to the center pin? A. It changes direction. B. It slows down. C. It stops.
What is B. It slows down?
A boy is flying a kite as he walks along the beach. A gust of wind hits the side of the kite. How will the motion of the kite change? A. It will change direction. B. It will slow down. C. It will stop.
What is A. It will change direction.
A student sails a paper airplane across the room in a straight line. What change in motion will happen if a gust of wind hits the side of the paper plane? A. The plane will change direction. B. The plane will slow down. C. The plane will stop.
What is A. The plane will change direction.
Two students were testing toy cars they both made in science class. They both started their cars in the same place. Car A passed the finish line 5 seconds before Car B. Which of the following must be true? A. A greater force was applied to Car B. B. Both cars traveled at the same speed. C. Car A traveled faster than Car B.
What is C. Car A traveled faster than Car B?
A third grade class is testing the distance three different boats traveled in 10 seconds. Their data is recorded in the table. Boat Distance A 100 cm B 150 cm C 120 cm Which boat traveled the fastest? A. Boat A B. Boat B C. Boat C
What is B. Boat B?
How do you know that motion has stopped? A. The motion takes time to happen B. Motion can include a change in direction. C. The motion stops when the position no longer changes.
What is C. The motion stops when the position no longer changes.