Rearrange That Equation and Solve
SI Units
Vocabulary Vs.
Newton's First Law
Grab Bag
If s = d / t, how far would a boat traveling at 80 km/h go over the course of 5 hours?
What is 400 km?
Base SI unit for measuring distance.
What is speed?
This explains the difference between speed and velocity.
What is speed is distance/time, while velocity is speed in a specified direction?
Newton's First Law is also called the law of this...
What is Inertia?
This man, when he broke the all time MLB record for stolen bases said, "Lou Brock was a good base stealer, but today I am the greatest of all time." Hint: he played for the Oakland A's during the 80s and some of the 90s.
Who is Ricky Henderson?
S = d / t, How long would it take for a plane traveling 600 km/h to cover a distance of 2100 km?
What is 3.5 hours?
(This is a throwback question) SI unit for temperature.
What are Kelvins
This best describes the difference between instantaneous and average speed.
What is average speed is total distance/total time, while instantaneous speed is your speed at one moment in time.
Newton's First Law states that an object at rest will stay at rest until what happens to it?
What is it is acted upon by an unbalanced outside force?
The music of this Pink Floyd album, if played along with the movie "The Wizard of Oz," corresponds with the action of the movie.
What is "Dark Side of the Moon?"
Vf is 30 m/s and Vi is 60 m/s. If t is 5 seconds, what is a?
What is - 6 m/s/s?
SI unit for measuring velocity.
What is meters per second?
This is the difference between + and - acceleration.
What is + acceleration is speeding up while - acceleration is slowing down.
Use Newton's First Law to explain why wearing a seat belt is a good idea for safety.
What is Newton's First Law states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. If you are unrestrained in a car crash, you continue to move even though the car has stopped. As a result, you run into the dash or windshield at the same speed the car was going before the crash.
In the movie "Gone With the Wind," what was Rhett and Scarlett's daughter Bonnie was afraid of this.
What is the dark?
Vf= 100 m/s time =25 s a = 2 m/s/s Solve for Vi
What is 50 m/s
SI unit for acceleration.
What is meters per second per second or meters per second squared?
Distance Vs. Displacement
What is distance is total length of travel while displacement is the distance from the starting point.
This explains what inertia is.
What is the tendency of an object to resist changes in motion?
In the movie "Menace II Society," what did the Korean storekeeper say to O-Dog that make him go crazy and shoot the place up?
What is "I feel sorry for your mother?"
Vi = 250 m/s t = 50 s a = 100 m/s/s Solve for Vf
What is 750 m/s
Explain WHY the SI unit for acceleration is meters per second SQUARED.
What is because acceleration is a change in velocity. Velocity is measured in meters per second and the change in velocity happens over time (is measured in seconds).
Balanced Vs. Unbalanced forces.
What is balanced forces have a net total of 0 N resulting in no movement, while unbalanced forces have a net force and result in movement.
Cite three examples from sports in which a force changes the velocity of an object or person.
Answers will vary.
In the movie "Dr. Strangelove," where did General Jack Ripper keep his belt fed machine gun?
What is in his golf bag?