Friction and Gravity
Newton's Laws
Pot Luck
A place or object, ideally one that is still, that is used for comparison to determine if an object is in motion.
What is a reference point?
A push or a pull.
What is a force?
Two factors that affect the strength of friction.
What are: how hard the surfaces push together and the types of surfaces involved?
The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.
What is inertia?
If distance increases between two objects, the force of gravity does this.
What is; it decreases?
The distance an object travels per unit of time.
What is speed?
The combination of all forces acting on an object.
What is a net force?
This type of friction occurs when a solid object moves through a water, oil, or air.
What is fluid friction?
This law, represented by equation F = M x A, states that the acceleration of an object depends on its mass and the net force acting on it.
What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?
The greatest velocity a falling object reaches.
What is terminal velocity?
The overall rate of speed at which an object moves; calculated by dividing the total distance an object travels by the total time.
What is average speed?
Forces acting on an object that result in a net force and cause a change in the object's motion.
What is an unbalanced force?
The friction that acts on objects that are not moving.
What is static friction?
This law states that for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.
What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?
Since weight is a measure of gravity, it can change with location (Moon versus Earth for example). Mass; however, always does this.
What is stays the same?
Speed in a given direction, such as 45 km/h westward.
What is velocity?
A box is being pushed in opposite directions by two people: 5 N ----> BOX <---- 5N. The net force is this.
What is 0 Newtons?
If mass increases, the force of gravity does this.
What is: it increases?
Newton's 1st Law of Motion states this.
What is: An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force?
Any force that causes an object to move in a circular path.
What is a centripetal force?
The steepness of a line on a distance-versus-time graph; The steeper this is, the greater the speed.
What is slope?
A box is being pushed in opposite directions by two people: 15 N ----> BOX <---- 12N. The net force is this.
What is 3 Newtons ----> ?
Acceleration due to gravity is of this value.
What is 9.8 m/s2
A horse and a poodle are running at you at the same velocity. The horse, with its greater mass, will be harder to stop because it has greater this.
What is momentum?
A bicyclist travels 15 km during the first hour of a race. She travels 17 km during the second hour of the race. Her average speed is this.
What is 16 km/h?