Contact Forces
Non Contact Forces
Story Problems
This is the type of graph we have been practicing with during Science time.
What is a line graph?
The contact force that is the result of rubbing your hands together to stay warm.
What is friction
A force that uses magnetic fields to attract or repel objects.
What is magnetism?
The force resulting from 2 objects rubbing together.
What is friction?
The fifth graders were playing a tug of war game, but neither side could pull the flag at the center of the rope one way or the other. How would you describe the forces at work?
What are balanced forces?
What the line looks like on a line graph when there is no motion.
What is a straight line across?
Forces that work only when they are touching the object on which they are acting.
What are contact forces?
The non contact force that uses positive and negative charges.
What is electricity?
This tool is used to measure distances.
What is a ruler or measuring tape.
The greater the mass of an object, the ______ the force to move the object.
What is greater?
The speed of an object when the line on a line graph is going up steeply.
What is fast?
Describe what happens to an object when 2 equal forces act on it in opposite directions.
What is the object does not move?
What are the 2 ends of a bar magnet called?
What are the north and south poles?
This is the amount of matter an object takes up.
What is mass?
Sally completes an investigation where she is recording the motion of a plastic hopping frog. She needs to decide which of the following is the point of reference: the frog, the starting line, or her finger.
What is the starting line?
The motion of an object when the line on a graph is going up gradually.
What is slow?
Describe what happens when 2 equal forces act on an object in the same direction.
What is they will move the object toward them if it is a pull and/or they will move the object away from them if it is a push?
Gravity, magnetism, and electricity are the 3 main examples of this type of force.
What is a non contact force?
This type of force will make an object change speed or direction.
What is an unbalanced force?
After Roger finished an investigation, he noticed he got slightly different results every time he did it. What does this have to do with the unbalanced forces in the investigation?
What are different strengths used or different techniques each time Roger did the investigation?
If a graph was going steeply up and then started going just gradually up, these 2 forces caused it to slow down.
What is friction, gravity, and/or unbalanced forces.
The speed formula.
What is distance divided by time?
True or false: Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.
What is True?
A car moving at a constant speed is an example of this type of force.
What is a balanced force?
Michelle and Nick want to record speed of a marble. They already have a stopwatch, but know they need one more tool.
What is a measuring tape?