Net Force And Motion
Friction and Gravity
Speed and Velocity
zero newtons
A book is resting on a table. Gravity pulls downward on the book. The table exerts a force equal in strength and opposite in direction (upward) on the book. What is the net force acting on the book?
static, sliding, rolling
Rank the following types of friction from greatest to least: rolling, static, sliding
the hurricane's velocity
A hurricane is moving 20 kilometers per hour in an easterly direction. What does this statement describe about the hurricane?
slow down speed up change direction
What are three ways an object can accelerate?
Whether at rest or in motion, every object resists any type of change in motion. This resistance to a change in motion is called?
It's moving
When something changes its position relative to a reference point, what is it doing?
Your weight would decrease.
What would happen to your weight if you were in a spacecraft that had been launched into space?
The hiker's speed decreased.
A hiker’s velocity begins at 2.0 m/s uphill and changes to 1.0 m/s uphill. How do you know that the hiker has a negative acceleration?
1) Decrease the mass of the bag 2). Increase the force applied
You are carrying a bag filled with groceries. Suggest two ways you can go faster
Your weight would double
If Earth’s mass doubled without changing its size, what would happen to your weight?
No motion - the object would be stopped.
What motion is described by a flat (horizontal) line on a distance-time graph?
The object's motion will remain unchanged
An object moving in a straight line with a constant speed has no unbalanced forces acting on it. How will the object’s motion change over time?
Is traveling at a constant speed back to its point of origin
Describe the motion of Object D.
All would hit at the same time.
If a tennis ball, a solid rubber ball, and a solid steel ball were dropped at the same time from the same height on the Moon, which would hit the ground first?
Double your force.
Suppose the mass of an object you are pushing doubles. In what way could you change your force to keep acceleration the same?
1). The force applied 2). The roughness
What two factors affect the amount of friction between two surfaces?
It is accelerating.
Describe the motion of the object in graph A.
Your mass would be the same.
Compare your mass on Jupiter and Saturn.