Newton's Laws
Speed and Acceleration
If a bowling ball and a golf ball are dropped from a tall building, which one will hit the ground first?
What is They will hit the ground at the same time.
John is playing with his toy car. When he rolls it across the tile floor, it goes really fast and moves for a good period of time. When he rolls it on carpet, it goes much slower and stops sooner. Why?
What is The carpet has more friction then the tile. Friction is an opposing force to motion.
What does Newton's fist law of inertia say?
What is An object at rest stays at rest, an object in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
If John and his sister ride their bikes to school by the same route, if John arrives at school in 20 minutes and his sister takes 25 minutes. Who is riding their bike faster?
What is John. It takes him less time to travel the same route.
A force that is equal to the opposing force.
What is A balanced force.
When a ball is kicked, why does the ball eventually come to a stop?
What is Gravity and friction acts as a force stopping the motion of the ball.
An airplane has a smooth exterior surface. Why
What is to reduce the amount of air friction.
What does Newton's 2nd law of acceleration state?
What is The larger the mass of an object, the more force it takes to get it moving, and the more force it takes to stop it from moving.
If I am pushing a box full of books across the floor, and then I am pushing the same box full of feathers across the floor, using an equal force on each, which box will travel faster?
What is the feathers. They have less gravitational pull, so by applying the same force, I can move them much more quickly.
When a soccer ball is kicked, a foot applies a force to the ball. What does the ball apply to the foot?
What is a force.
A bowling ball and a pen when dropped from a table will fall at the same rate, hitting the floor at the same time? Why?
All objects,regardless of their mass are pulled with the same gravitational speed. Objects with greater mass will have greater gravitational pull exerted on them, but the speed of gravity is constant no matter the mass.
When I apply my bicycle brake, I have a rubber pad that pulls tight on the metal wheel of my bike. Why?
What is I create friction which stops the bike wheel.
When I dribble a basketball it is a good illustration of which of Newton's laws?
What is Law 3. Action and Reaction.
I throw a ball into the wall with my full force. How will the ball come back? 'will it come back faster? slower? or at the same speed?
What is With an equal force that it was thrown into the wall, the ball will return. It will also return with an equal speed, minus any unbalanced forces that may act on it.(friciton)
A twist, pull, or push that may result in motion or a change in motion.
What is a force.
Why do I weigh less orbiting the earth, than I do standing on the earth?
What is The farther we travel from the surface of the earth, the weaker gravitational pull is.
If a ball rolls across ice, concrete, or grass, which has the most friction?
What is grass.
A baseball batter swings his bat and connects with the ball. Which of Newton's Laws applies.
What is Newton's first law of interia and object in motion stays in motion... but when an unbalanced force acts on it, it can change direction of the ball. Newton's 2nd Law of acceleration. The bat applies a greater force to the ball, so the ball moves in the opposite direction from which it was pitched.
I roll two balls down the same hill. I use an equal force. One ball weighs 30 ounces. The second ball weighs 10 ounces. Which ball will roll faster?
What is The smaller ball will roll faster because the force to move it is less and therefore the force I apply will have a greater affect on the smaller ball. While the force on the larger ball is required to change it's state of rest.
Tammy's poodle is refusing to go for a walk. If Tammy is pulling her small toy poodle around the block on a leash, what would Tammy need to do, if she had a large golden retriever who was refusing to walk instead of a poodle?
What is apply more force! A larger mass requires more force to move!
Why do I weigh less on the moon, than on Earth, but have the same mass?
What is the gravitational pull on the moon is less than Earth, so I weigh less, even though my body ( my mass) is the same size.
Why do mountain bicycles have tires with a lot of texture, while road bicycles are smooth?
What is mountain bicycles need rough tires to create friction to grab and pull on rough surfaces. Road bicycles are smooth to reduce friction which in turn increases speed.
If I am standing in a boat and I throw a ball out of the boat, what will happen to the boat? To me?
What is If I throw the ball forward, the boat will move backwards in the water. I may fall in when the boat moves backwards. This is Newton's 3rd Law of motion (Action and reaction)
When a rocket is launched into space it ignites and sends a force shooting towards the ground, which sends the rocket into the air, in the opposite direction of the force. If the rocket loses parts and it's mass decreases, what will happen to the rocket's speed.
What is It will go faster, because it's mass decreases, which will decrease friction (air) and also gravitational pull.