Simple Machines
Types of Force
Real Life Examples
Types of Energy
Simple Machines 2
This is a ridge that is wrapped around a screw.
What is a thread?
A push or pull that can move an object.
What is force?
A lock inside of a doorknob is an example of this.
What is a wheel and axle?
A swinging hammer is a form of this kind of energy.
What is kinetic energy?
Examples of this simple machine are used to hold things together. It is made up of an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.
What is a screw?
This simple machine allows you to pull a flag up a flagpole.
What is the pulley?
Hammering a nail is an example of this.
What is a pushing force?
This is an example of a wedge.
What is a hammer, door stop, knife, or...?
Type of energy that is standing still.
What is potential energy?
This simple machine can be used to split things apart or hold a door open.
What is a wedge?
A tool with few or no moving parts that helps people do work.
What is a simple machine?
A force that works against motion
What is friction?
In tug-of-war one team is losing this can help them win.
What is more force?
A type of energy that is moving.
What is kinetic energy?
These simple machines are wheels with teeth on them that fit together when the simple machines are turned. These simple machines are used to increase or decrease turning power by changing their size.
What is a gear?
Michelle is moving heavy boxes into a truck. She is using this simple machine to help her get the boxes into the truck.
What is an inclined plane?
When a pitcher throws the baseball to the batter and the ball starts to move to the ground as it travels, this force is pulling the ball down.
What is gravity?
A see-saw is an example of this.
What is a lever?
When chemicals react to each other or to some action.
What is chemical energy?
This simple machine can be used to lift a weight. It has a fulcrum, or pivot point, which can be located in the center, near the end or at the end of this simple machine.
What is a lever?
The only simple machine that doesn't move.
What is an inclined plane?
When an object stays in motion or at rest until a force acts upon it.
What is inertia?
The lid on a water bottle is an example of this.
What is a screw?
The sum of kinetic energy of an object and all the potential energy that can be used to do work.
What is mechanical energy?
A rope, a wheel with a groove in it and a weight make up this simple machine. You can pull down on the rope to lift the weight.
What is a pulley?