Newton's First Law
Newton's SecondLaw
Newton's Third Law
Describing Motion
Hodge Podge
This law states an object will keep doing what it is doing if the forces acting on the object balanced.
What is Newton's First Law?
The acceleration of an object is related to the net force acting on it and the object's mass.
What is Newtons Second Law of Motion?
This is the law that states for every action, there is a reaction of equal magnetude, but opposite in direction.
What is Newtons third Law of Motion?
When an object's speed or direction changes, the object undergoes this?
What is acceleration?
An example of a contact force is. A. Friction B. Potato C. Mass D. Gravity
What is A. friction?
An objects resistance to a change in its motion.
What is Inertia?
Many forces can act on an object at the same time. When you add up all the forces you get?
What is Net force?
What is an example of the Third Law? A. Sheering a sheep B. Hammering a nail C. Opening a can of coke D. All of the above
What is B. Hammering a nail
A push or pull that can cause the motion of an object to change.
What is force?
A force that acts on an object from a distance.
What is non contact force?
If you hit a home run in space, what would happen?
There is no gravity, therefore the ball wouldn't go as far and it wouldn't go as fast.
When you are resting, what force is being acted on? A. Acceleration B. Motion force C. Nothing D. Kinetic energy
What is C. Nothing.
What do equal and opposite forces act on?
What is different objects with greatly different masses?
If it touches an object it changes its speed or direction.
What is contact force?
Give an example of a situation in which you apply a force to somehting and it does the following. Goes faster.
What is when you're riding a bike.
Suppose you're playing baseball and you hit a home run. These forces slow down the ball while it is in motion. A. Resistance from the air and friction B. Acceleration C. Kinetic energy D.Inertia
A. Resistance from the air and friction
When you are accelerating what two forces are acting on eachother?
What is pushing and friction?
True or false? If the forces are equal and opposite, they don't cancle eachother out.
What is true, If the forces are equal and opposite, they don't cancle eachother out.
The force exerted by an object to balance an outside force acting on it.
What is normal force?
Give an example of a situation in which you apply a force to somehting and it does the following. Goes slower.
What is when you hit the breaks at a slow pace on a bike?
Gabe kicked a soccer ball across a field. The ball rolled for a while but eventually stopped. If Newton's first law is true, it seems that the ball Gabe kicked should continue rolling forever. Why is this?
An object will keep doing what it is doing if the forces acting on it are balanced.
Sharon cruises east at 7 m/s. She uses her brakes and comes to a gentle stop. As Sharon slows, how does the direction of the net force compare to that of her motion? A. 7 m/s south B. 7 m/s west C. 5 m/s west D. None of the above
What is A. 7 m/s south?
Think back to the story of Alicia and the soccer ball. Using Newtons Third Law of Motion, explain how she could kick the ball into the goal.
What is by using her feet to kick the ball and give it energy so it can go into the goal?
Is a force that pulls two objects with mass towards eachother.
What is gravity?
Give an example of a situation in which you apply a force to somehting and it does the following. Change direction.
What is slaming the breaks on a bike and going backwards?