Kinematics/ Free Fall
Vectors / Projectile Motion
Newton's Laws of Motion
Circular Motion/ Universal Law of Gravaitation
The slope of the velocity time curve is _______________
These are quantities that has both magnitude and direction
vector quantity
This refers to resistance to motion
This is also known as support force
Normal Force
A racecar is traveling at constant speed around a circular track. What happens to the centripetal acceleration of the car if the speed is doubled?
quadruple or 4X
A softball player hits a homerun. After the game she describes the homerun to her parents. What is the best word to describe the trajectory of the ball?
True or False: The velocity of a projectile at the highest point is 0.
A volleyball player spikes the ball with 120 N of force. This is the amount of force that she feels.
120 N
A 40 kg crate is being pushed across a horizontal floor. If the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.3, what is the frictional force acting on the crate?
117.6 N
The second hand on a watch has a length of 0.045 m and makes one revolution in 60.00 s. What is the speed of the end of the second hand as it moves in uniform circular motion?
0.0047 m/s
The Flash(!)’s not-so-quick sidekick, the morbidly obese (190-kg) Human Slug, accelerates from rest to a wheezing 5 m/s while covering a distance of 70 m. What was his acceleration?
0.18 m/s^2
Paige Turner exerts a 50N force on a wagon handle at an angle of 25° from the horizontal. What are the horizontal and vertical components of this force?
Fx= 45.31 N Fy= 21.13 N
A large truck and a small car traveling at the same speed have a head-on-collision. Which vehicle will experience greater acceleration?
A race car has a mass of 710 kg. It starts from rest and travels 40.0m in 3.0s. The car is uniformly accelerated during the entire time. The net force acting on the car is
What is 6311.11 N
If G = 6.6 x 10-11, the force of gravitation between a 80 kg boy and a 70 kg girl sitting 5 m apart is _______________________
1.49 x10^-8 N
Suppose you drop a penny of the Empire state building in New York City, 26, how far will the penny fall in 5 seconds?
What angle would result in the ball traveling the longest horizontal distance?
45 degrees
A 100-kg bike can accelerate from 0 to 40 m/s in 3.0 s. How much net force must be exerted on the motorcycle to cause this acceleration?
1333.33 N
Suppose that a 1000 kg car is traveling at 25 m/s (≈55 mph). Its brakes can apply a force of 5000N. The minimum distance required for the car to stop is
What is 62.5 m
The radius of the earth is 6.38x10^6 m and its mass is 5.98 x10^24 kg. What is the acceleration due to gravity at a height of 1.28 x10^7 m above the earth's surface?
1.08 m/s2
A car starts from rest and accelerates at a constant rate in a straight line. In the first second the car covers a distance of 2.0 meters. How much distance will the car cover during the second second of its motion?
8 m
A stuntman, hoping for a home in the Guinness Book of World Records, is launched horizontally from the top of a 30 m cliff at 25 m/s. How long does it take him to reach the ground?
2.47 s
Suppose that a sled is accelerating at a rate of 3 m/s2. If the net force is tripled and the mass is doubled, then the new acceleration of the sled is
4.5 m/s2
A tennis player strikes a tennis ball of mass 56.7 g when it is at the top of the toss, accelerating it to 68.0 m/s in a distance of 0.0250 m. The force the player exerts on the ball is
What is 5243.62 N
If the distance between the earth and moon were tripled, will the force of attraction between them increase or decrease? By how much?
decrease, 1/9 of the original