Newton's Laws of Motion
Energy Transfers/Transformations
Forces and Motion
Kinetic and Potential Energy
Magnetic Forces

What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion?

An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless a force acts upon it.

During a camping trip, Ming gathers firewood and arranges it in the fire pit. She sets it on fire, and the result is a roaring blaze. Which statement best shows all the energy transformations that took place?

Chemical to thermal


What is a force?

a push or pull


What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion while potential energy is stored energy.


What types of material attract a magnet?

materials that contain iron


Action and reaction forces are part of which one of Newton's Law of Motion?

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion


What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred or transformed.


A car is traveling at an average speed of 50 mph.  It takes the car 4 hours to get to its destination.  How many miles did the car travel?

50 mph x 4 hours = 200 miles


Give an example of both kinetic and potential energy.

Answers may vary


Where is the strongest part of the magnet?

The North and South Poles


What is inertia?

An objects resistance to change in motion.

What is the difference between an energy transfer and an energy transformation?

Transfer is movement of energy from one place to another, and transformation is the change of one type of energy to another.


How do you know if an object has balanced or unbalanced forces?



What factors affect how much kinetic energy a sled and its team have when the sled crosses the finish line in a bobsled race?

Speed and mass


Name 5 objects that would be attracted to a magnet?

answers may vary


What is the difference between pushing a bowling ball with 50N of force vs pushing the same bowling ball with 100N of force.

The ball pushed with 100N of force will move a greater distance than the ball pushed at 50N of force.


Before Mrs. Hernandez decides what to wear for the day, she wants to know what the temperature is going to be. Which type of energy is most closely related to temperature?



What is the difference between a contact force and noncontact force?

Contact forces need to touch each other and non contact do not.


Give an example of potential and kinetic energy.

Answers will vary


What is true about poles on magnets?

North pole attracts south pole


When pushing a cardboard box placed on the floor, if the force of the push is greater than the frictional forces acting on the box, what will immediately happen after the push?

Speed up because the difference in magnitude of the two forces acting on the box.


An earthquake knocks both a dictionary and a comic book from the top shelf of a bookshelf. The dictionary has a greater mass than the comic book. Both books are knocked off the shelf at the same time. What can be said about the gravitational potential energy of the two books?

The dictionary had a greater gravitational potential energy than the comic book because it had a greater mass.

How do people use an understanding of energy, force and motion to make predictions and design tools that make the world safe, enjoyable, and accessible?

Answers will vary


Explain the relationship between gravitational potential energy and height as height increases.

As the height increase, the amount of gravitational potential energy also increases because of the distance from the ground.

What is the area around a magnet called?

Magnetic field