Name the Force
Equal vs. Unequal
Parts of an Experiment
What Are You Testing?
Scenario Practice

What is the basic definition of FORCE?

A push or a pull


Equal or Unequal? 

There is NO Motion



I am the educated guess that is made BEFORE the experiment begins.



Shericka decided that she wanted to do an experiment to see if she could slide farther on tile, wood, or carpet. 

What is Shericka testing in her experiment?

Does type of surface affect distance traveled?

Force tested: FRICTION


Courtney is getting ready for the STEAM fair this school year and has finally chosen what her project will be about. She sets up the investigation using a paper airplane, a meter stick, and a paper airplane launcher by stretching a rubber band. 

Her recorded data is below:


Create a hypothesis based on this information

I think the farther the rubber band is stretched, the farther the paper airplane will travel.

If the rubber band is stretched back farther then the airplane will travel farther.


Complete the equations:

Less ________ = Less force needed to move an object

More ________ = More force needed to move an object



Equal or Unequal?

Diego and Vanessa are moving a wagon.

 Diego is pulling the wagon to the left while Vanessa pushes to the left.



I am the part(s) in the experiment that STAYS THE SAME.

Controls / Constants

Also sometimes referred to as the control variable


 You conduct an experiment in class to test the effects of force as shown below. Which FORCE is being tested as the cars are released from the top of the ramp?



What is the independent variable in this experiment? How do you know?

Type of surface/ surface texture 


I am the force responsible for attracting magnetic objects to a magnet.



Equal or Unequal?

Tug-o-war is happening at school and all students playing have shown up to win. The battle begins and all students on both sides are pulling with the same amount of force at the same time. 



I am the ONLY PART of the experiment that is changed

Independent Variable 


Diego set up the cars shown below. He then placed the cars one at a time on a ramp and measured how far the car traveled after being released. What do you think Diego was testing? 

Does mass affect the distance the car will travel? 


Vanessa is studying plants in her science class, and her teacher asked Vanessa and her friends to bring a pack of flower seeds to class the next day. Vanessa and her friends brought sunflower seeds, marigold seeds, morning glory seeds, and rose seeds. 

Throughout the following week, each student took turns watering the flower pots with 5 milliliters of water every day while the teacher helped them measure how tall each flower grew. 

What are the controls of this experiment?

Amount of water, watering time, location of the plants, type of pot, type of soil, meter stick

I am the force responsible for PULLING objects down towards the center of the Earth.



The photo below shows two people pushing on a large box. 

Does this represent an equal or unequal force? 

If the box moves, which direction will it go? 


Box will move to the right --> 


I am the part of the experiment that lists on HOW to perform the experiment



Using the photo below, complete the testable question: 

How does _________ affect the ________ needed to move objects across a table?

How does MASS affect the FORCE needed to move objects across a table?


During recess, Courtney asks her teacher for (1) construction piece of paper, (1) printer paper, and (1) notebook paper. She then folds each paper into a paper airplane to test out on the field. She flies each paper airplane and measures how far each paper airplane flew.

What is Courtney trying to test? What tools will she need for this experiment?

What type of paper makes the paper airplane fly the farthest?

Tools: Construction paper, printer paper, notebook paper, meter stick.


Friction is the force that _________ (works against) motion. 

Complete the table below: 

Friction is the force that OPPOSES motion

Smooth Surface --> Less Friction --> Greater/More distance 

Rough surface --> More Friction --> Shorter/ Less Distance


Using the balloon on a string experiment, determine the following:

* What direction will the balloon travel? 

* Does this represent an equal or unequal force?

The balloon will travel to the LEFT

The balloon is moving therefore it is representing an UNEQUAL force


I am the part of the experiment that is MEASURED

Examples: Distance, Force Applied, Time..

Dependent Variable


During Science class Shericka set up an experiment using a 5 pound toy truck, a ramp, spring scale, and 6 books. 

Shericka started with her ramp at 1 book height and drug the toy truck up the ramp using the spring scale. She added a book to the height of the ramp for each new trial and repeated dragging the toy truck up the ramp.

What do you think Shericka was trying to test in her experiment?

Does the height of the ramp affect the amount of force needed to drag the toy truck up the ramp?


A student sets up the experiment below to determine how the amount of force needed to drag a wood block across a surface is affected by the type of surface.

How should the student test this experiment?

The student should measure the force needed to drag the SAME block across DIFFERENT surfaces.