Which Law?
Newton's Laws in Action

Which of Newton's laws explains why a cup you leave on the table is still there the next day?

Newton's 1st Law


A car travels 100 miles in 2 hours. What was its speed?

50 mph


A ping pong ball is accelerated with the same force along carpet and then tile. What force caused the ping pong ball to go a shorter distance on the carpet than it did on the tile?



There are 4 balls of different masses rolling down a ramp. Which ball would be the easiest one to stop?

  1. The 10 kg ball

  2. The 50 kg ball

  3. The 100 kg ball

  4. The 500 kg ball

The 10 kg ball


Which law explains why a ping pong ball is easier to accelerate than a golf ball?

Newton's 2nd Law


A runner measured the time it took him to run 5 km. What can he calculate with the distance and time measurements?



What causes a wagon to speed up when going down a hill?



A bowling ball and a ping pong ball are dropped at the exact same time. Assuming there is no air resistance, which ball will reach the ground first?

both hit the ground at the same time


Which of Newton’s laws would explain why a rocket pushes down off of the ground but flies up into the air?

Newton's 3rd law


A bowling ball moves across a flat surface at 7 feet per second. If a student is asked to calculate the total distance traveled by the ball, what other information does the student need to know?

the time the ball was rolling


What force makes a feather fall more slowly than a bowling ball?

air resistance/friction


Why does a bicycle slow down when its brakes are applied?

The brakes cause frictional forces on the wheels of the bicycle


Which law explains why a skateboarder pushes their foot backwards in order to move forwards?

Newton's 3rd Law


Scientists discover an asteroid that is moving through space. What information is needed to determine the average speed of the asteroid?

How far the asteroid has moved in a certain amount of time

What force pulls a pencil down to earth when it falls of your desk?


A soccer player wants to kick the ball farther than he usually kicks it. How could he make the soccer ball accelerate farther?

A. Apply more force

B. Apply less force

C. Increase the friction

D. Increase the inertia

apply more force


Which law explains why it would be hard for a kindergartener to win a tug-of-war against a grown up?

Newton's 2nd Law


If a car is moving backward along a road, can its speed be measured?

yes, because the car travels a distance in a certain amount of time


What is the force called that means: the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest and the tendency of an object in motion to remain in motion?



Astronauts who went to the moon hit some golf balls. The golf balls went flying into space and are still going in the same direction and at the same speed to this day. Why is that?

There is little to no air resistance in space.