Calculating Forces
Speed, Velocity, or Acceletation
Newton's Laws
Kinetic or Potential
Energy Transformations

A  student pushes a 51.5 kg bookshelf across a smooth floor with a net force of 67 N.  What is the approximate acceleration of the bookshelf?

1.3 m/s2


A hobbyist collected data about the motion of a toy train on a straight track and then recorded the data in the graph.  Which of these accurately descibes the motion of the toy trian?

A.  The toy train speeds up while going forward and then slows down.

B.  The toy train slows down while going forward and then moves backward.

C.  The toy train moves forward at a constant speed, slows down, and then stops.

D.  The toy train moves forward at an increasing speed, stops, and then moves forward.

C.  The toy train moves forward at a constant speed, slows down, and then stops.


The picture shows an aerialist walking on a tightrope and holding a balancing bar. An action-reaction pair of forces exists between-

A. the rope and the balancing bar

B.  the two ends of the rope

C. the aerialist's arms and legs

D. the aerialist's feet and the rope

D  The aerialist's feet and the rope.


Two identicle airplanes are flying at the same speed.  Airplace W is flying 50 m higher  than Airplave X.  Which statement decribes the energy of the two airplanes? A.  Airplane W has a greater kinetic energy than Airplane X.

B.  The two airplanes have the same gravitational potential energy but different kinetic energies.

C.  Airplane X has more gravitational potential energy than Airplane W.

D. The two airplanes have the same kinetic energy but different gravitational potential energies.

D.  The two airplanes have the same kinetic energy but different gravitational potential energies.


A teacher rubbed a match against a piece of sandpaper.  The match started to burn.  Which statement best describes the energy changes that occurred?

A.  The chemical energy stored in the match changed to thermal energy and light energy.

B.  The thermal energy stored in the match changed to light energy and chemical energy.

C.  The light energy and thermal energy stored in the match changed to mechanical energy.

D.  The light energy and thermal energy stored in the match changed to chemical energy.

A. The chemical energy stored in the match changed to thermal energy and light energy.


A toy truck is at rest on the floor.  Which statement describes the forces acting on the toy truck?

A.  The forces are balanced so motion occurs.

B.  The forces are balanced so no motion occurs.

C.  The forces are unbalanced so motion occurs.

D.  The forces are unbalanced so no motion occurs.  

B.  The forces are balanced so no motion occurs.


A horse trainer records the distance a horse travels during three different trials.  What is the horse's average speed in kilometer per minute?

0.3 km/min


A large rock is motionless on a flat sidewalk.  Which statement best explains why the rock remains motionless?

A.  There are no forces acting on the rock.

B.  The only force acting on the rock is directed toward the sidewalk.

C.  The forces acting on the rock are all balanced.

D.  The sidewalk exerts an unbalanced force on the rock. 

C.  The forces acting on the rock are all balanced.


A student drew the diagram below to show the movement of water through a hyroelectric dam.

The student used the diagram to describe changes in the potential and kinetic energy of water.  At which location is the gravitational potential energy of the water the greatest?

Location W


A cook heats a meal in a microwave oven.  What energy transformations occur between the microwave oven and the meal?

A.  Electrical energy to light energy to chemical energy

B.  Chemical energy to thermal energy to light energy

C. Electrical energy to electromagnetic energy to chemical energy

D.  Chemical energy to electromagnetic energy to chemical energy

C.  Electrical energy to electromagnetic energy to chemical energy


The net force on a vehicle that is accelerating at a rate of 1.5 m/s2 is 1,800 newtons.  What is the MASS of the vehicle to the nearest kilogram?

1200 kg


A student graphed the position of a cart during a 7-second time interval.  Which statement best decribes the cart?

A.  The cart was stationary with a velocity of 0 m/s for the entire 7 seconds.

B. The cart was stationary except for a short burst of acceleration of 0.5 m/s2.

C. The cart moved at a constant velocity of 0.5 m/s for the entire 7 seconds. 

D. The cart accelerated at a constant rate of approximately 0.8 m/s2.

C.  The cart moved at a constant velocity of 0.5 m/s for the entire 7 seconds.


A pitcher throws a ball toward a player holding a softball bat.  The player uses the bat to hit the ball.  The bat applies a 10 N force to the ball.

A.  The reaction force is the force that causes the ball to move toward the bat.

B.  The reaction force is the force applied to the bat by the player holding the bat.

C.  The reaction force is the force that pulls the ball toward the ground.

D.  The reaction force is the force of the ball on the bat.

D.  The reaction force is the force of the ball on the bat.


A marble is given potential energy by being placed at Location W.  When the marble is released, it rolls down the track.  At which location does the marble have maximum kinetic energy?

Location Y


Students build a circuit.  The circuit has wires that conect a battery to a switch and a fan.  Which energy transformations happen when the students close the ciruit and the blades of the fan begin to spin?

A.  Chemical to mechanical to electrical

B.  Electrical to chemical to mechanical

C. Chemical to electrical to mechanical

D. Mechanical to electrical to chemical

C.  Chemical to electrical to mechanical


A 1,100 kg car comes unifomly to a stop.  If the vehicle is accelerating at -1.2 m/s2, which force is closest to the net force acting on the vehicle?

-1,320 N


A meteor moving 468 km per minute traveling in a south-to-north direction passed near Earth in 2013.  Because the meteor was only 45 m wide and was 27,700 km above Earth's surface. it was not visible without the aid of a telescope.  Which statement describes the meteor's motion?

A.  Its velocity was 7.8 km/s northward.

B. Its acceleration was 468 km/s2.

C. Its speed was 468 km/s northward.

D.  Its acceleration was 7.8 km/s2.

A.  It's velocity was 7.8 km/s northward.


A skater pushes off a wall and skates backard for a few meters before stopping.  Which statment best describes an action-reaction force pair in this situation?

A.  The wall pushes on the skater when the skater pushes on the wall.

B.  The wheels slow down, and the skater stops.

C.  The skater exerts a force on the wall, and the wheels exert a force on the floor and begin to turn.

D.  The friction on the floor decreases when the wheels roll on the floor.

A.  The wall pushes on the skater when the skater pushes on the wall.


A demonstration helps students understand a principle of roller coaster design. Which answer choice correctly describes the ball's kinetic and potential energy?

A.  The ball has more potential energy at position X than at position Z.

B.  The ball has more kinetic energy at position Y than at position W.

C. The potential energy and kinetic energy of the ball are equal at position X.

D. The potential energy and kinetic energy of the ball are greatest at position Z.

B.  The ball has more kinetic energy at position Y than at position W.


The blades of a wind turbine are at rest until the movement of air causes the blades to spin.  Which energy transformation happens when the blades are spinning as shown? 

A.  Electrical to mechanical

B. Chemical to electrical

C.  Mechanical to electrical

D. Chemical to mechanical

C. Mechanical to electrical


A basketball with a mass of 0.60 kg is accelerated with a force of 10.8 N.  If resisting forces are ignored, what is the acceleration of the basketball to the nearest m/s2?

18 m/s2


A student investigates the motion of a toy vehicle and graphs 40 seconds of data.  Which statment best describes the motion of the toy vehicle during the first 30 seconds of the investigation?

A.  The vehicle was traveling at a constnt speed.

B.  The vehicle was accelerating at a constant rate.

C.  The speed of the vehicle was increasing.

D.  The acceleration of the vehicle was increasing.

A.  The vehicle was traveling at a constant speed.


A steel ball is at one end of a box that is moving forward as shown.  The box suddenly stops.  According to Newton's first law, what happens to the steel ball just after the box stops?

A. Because of friction, the ball continues rolling forward at the same speed.

B.  Becasue of friction, the ball rolls forward at an increased speed.

C.  Becasue of inertia, the ball continues rolling forward at the same speed.

D.  Because of inertia, the ball rolls forward at an increased speed.

C.  Because of inertia, the ball continues rolling forward at the same speed.


Roller coasters are popular attractions at amusement parks.  A cart on a roller coster approaches the highest point on the coaster.  As the cart reaches the top, it slows down.  Which statment best describes the energy of the roller coaster as it slows down while traveling to the top of the coaster?

A.  The cart gains both kinetic and potential energy.

B.  The cart gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy.

C.  The cart loses kinetic energy and gains potential energy.

D.  The cart loses both kinetic and potential energy.  

C.   The cart loses kinetic energy and gains potential energy.


The main parts of a working clothes dryer are shown in the diagram.  This appliance dries clothes primarily by converting -  

A.  electrical to heat to mechanical

B.  mechanical to heat to electrical

C.  Electical to heat to light

D.  Mechanical to heat to vaporization

A.  electrical to heat to mechanical