Types of Motion
Distance, Direction, and Time
A change of position is described as

A. Motion

B. Distance

C. Speed

Motion is a change of positon.
The measure of the force of gravity on an object is know as:

A. Force

B. Gravity

C. Weight

Weight is the measure of the force of gravity on an object.

How far it is from one location to another is known as:

A. Distance

B. Motion

C. Speed

Distance is how far it is from one location to another.

A disturbance that travels through matter or space is known as:

A. Wave

B. Crest

C. Trough

D. Wavelength

A wave is a disturbance that travels through matter or space.

The distance from one point of one wave to the same point on the next wave is know as:

A. Distance

B. Speed

C. Wavelength

D. Wave

Wavelength is the distance from one point of one wave to the same point on the next wave.
True or false: motion can be fast or motion can be slow.

TRUE! Motion can be fast or slow.
Which object would take the least amount of force to move?

A. A book

B. A car

C. A pencil

D. A table

A pencil would take the least amount of force to move because it is the lightest. 
What does a ruler measure?

A. Distance

B. Motion

C. Speed

D. Weight

A ruler measures distance.
True or False: A trough is the highest point of a wave.
FALSE! A trough is the lowest point of a wave.
Which surface would cause the least friction?

A. Dirt

B. Ice

C. Grass

D. Rocks

Ice would cause the least amount of friction.

What vocabulary word means: the distance that an object moves moves in a certain period of time?

Speed is the distance that an object moves in a certain period of time.

Which object would be the most affected by magnetic force?

A. A marble

B. A pillow

C. A paper clip

D. A wooden fence

A paperclip would be the most affected by magnetic force because it is the only object made of metal.
What are two different types of measurement that scientists use to measure distance?
Scientists use inches, yards, miles, centimeters, meters, and kilometers..
How do scientists figure out the speed of a wave?

A. By measuring its height

B. By measuring its depth

C. By measuring its wavelength

D. By measuring the water's temperature

Scientists figure out the speed of a wave by measuring its wavelength. 
Name two things that travel in waves.
Light, sound (radio waves), microwaves, X-rays, and water all travel in waves.

Name two types of motion that an object can move in.

An object can move in a back-and forth motion, straight-line motion, zigzag motion, or a round-and-round motion.

There is a book on the table. You push the book to the left. At the same time, your friend pushes the book to the right. What is the net force on the book?

A. Your friend's push

B. Your push plus your friend's push

C. Your push

D. The weight of the book

The net force on the book is 

B. Your push plus your friend's push

Look at the data below. Interpret the data to determine how far Runner 1 ran and how long it took her. Which runner ran the farthest?

              Distance         Direction           Time

Runner 1   1 mile          NE                 7 min 10 sec

Runner 2  1.5 miles       S                 9 min 23 sec

Runner 3   2 miles         SW              15 min 14 sec

Runner 1 ran 1 mile in 7 minutes and 10 seconds. Runner 3 ran the farthest.
Waves are made when something _________.
Waves are made when something vibrates.
If friction did not exist, could you ride a bicycle? Why or why not?
No. Without friction, the tires would just slide around and you couldn't get the bike to move forward. Also, the brakes would not work.

Name one way that the types of motion are alike and one way that the types of motion are different.

Many responses accepted. 
The strength of a force and the direction of a force affects the motion of an object. What is the third thing that affects the object's motion?

A. Color

B. Mass

C. Texture

D. Volume

The third thing that affects an object's motion is 

B. Mass

Michael is going to conduct an investigation to compare the speed of a turtle with the speed of a rabbit. What should he use to measure their speeds? How should he conduct the investigation?
Michael could use a stopwatch to measure the time and a meter stick to measure the distance. Speed is the measure of an object's change in position during a unit of time, so in the investigation, he would have to measure both distance and time.
Waves can travel through ____, _____, and ______.
Waves can travel through solids, liquids, and gases.
Jeremy and his friend are playing basketball. Describe two forces that are involved when Jeremy shoots a basketball through the net.
Shooting is a push. Gravity pulls the ball through the net. Friction between his shoes and the floor allows Jeremy to stand still while shooting.