Force and Motion
Definitions/ Net Force
Newton's Laws
Newton's Laws (again)
Newton's Laws (once more)

A push or a pull is known as what



What is the speed of an object in a specific direction?



Please write out Newton's 1st Law of Motion.

An object at rest, stays at rest. An object in motion will stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside (external) and unbalanced force.


A sailboat will remain still until the wind pushes it across the sea. This is an example of which of Newton's Laws of Motion?

1st Law of Motion


A baseball thrown by a pitcher will continue in its state of motion until re-directed by the batter. This is a demonstration of which of Newton's Laws of Motion?

1st Law of Motion


This is a force of resistance between 2 objects



What is the amount of matter in an object?



A dropped ball bounces because the earth exerts a force on the ball when they collide. This demonstrates which of Newton's Laws of Motion?

the 3rd Law


The heavier the mass of a bowling ball, the more force you will need to roll it, or it will accelerate at a slower rate than a lighter ball. This is an example of which of Newton’s Laws of Motion?

2nd Law of Motion


The ability of an object to resist a change in motion is called ___________.



If someone is pushing with 50N of force to the right and the other person is pushing with 10N of force to the left, which way will the box go?

To the right, because there is more force pushing that way.


If 20N of force are pushing to the left and 20N of force are pushing to the right, which way will the box move?

Neither way. It is a balanced or net zero force.


According to Newton’s 3rd Law, for every action there is an _________ and ________ reaction.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


The stronger the wind, the faster the sail boat will accelerate across the sea. This is an example of which of Newton's Laws of Motion?

2nd Law of Motion


Newton's 2nd Law of Motion relates what 3 variables?

mass, force, and acceleration


What happens to the speed of a little worm, if it is required to pull a large apple?

It goes slower.


What is the net force for balanced forces? What is the net force for unbalanced forces?

balanced - 0 N

unbalanced - greater than 0 N


A golf club struck a golf ball that was resting on the ground. The ball applied an equal and opposite force to the club when the club struck the ball. Which of Newton's Laws is being demonstrated?

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion


A ball is accelerating at a rate of 10 m/s2. The ball's mass is 5 kg. The net force on the ball is equal to what quantity?

F = M x A

50 Newtons


An object will _________________ in the direction that you push it.



To find the speed of an object in motion, you need these two measurements.

distance and time


If two people are pushing a box to the right and each person is putting forth 20N of force. Which way will the box move and with how much force will it be moving?

To the right with 40N worth of force.


A 100 kg person is skydiving at 9.8 m/s/s.  What is the force of gravity (or weight) acting on the skydiver?  

    F = m x a

F = 100 kg x 9.8 m/s/s

F = 980 N


The baseball went farther than the basketball when your classmate hit them with an aluminum bat. This is an example of which law of motion?

Newton's Second Law of Motion


You let the air out of a balloon- the air goes one way and the balloon goes the opposite direction. This is an example of which law of motion?

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion