Forces and Motion
A push or pull on something.
What is force?

The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.

What is intertia?


Mrs. K rolled a marble across the floor to Ms. Jeanie. What force started the ball rolling? (balanced force, unbalanced force, gravity, friction)

What is an unbalanced force?


Which of the following is an example of balanced forces? A. Sitting on a chair B. Kicking a soccer ball C. An apple falling onto the ground D. A rocket taking off

What is A - Sitting on a chair

Force that acts on an object when it rubs against another object or material.
What is friction?

Which will experience less acceleration when the same force is applied, a 100lb object or a 25lb object?

What is the 100lb object?


Which of Newton's Laws shows the force that acts on a space shuttle as it accelerates toward Earth.

What is the 3rd law?


Which of the following forces slows objects down?

A. Friction B. Gravitational C. Magnetic D. Unbalanced

What is Friction


What is motion?

What is movement


Which will experience more acceleration when the same force is applied, a 10kg object or a 5kg object?

What is the 5kg object?


Friction is a force caused by___________.

What is surfaces rubbing against one another?


The first part of Newton's First Law of Motion states: An object ___ ______ tends to _____ ____ ____ unless acted upon by an ________ _______. Also known as inertia.

What is at rest, remain at rest, and unbalanced force?


distance divided by time 

What is speed?


What is needed to give a boulder acceleration?

A large force that changes the boulders speed/direction.


She measures the distance the car travels every 40 seconds for 5 minutes.  At the end of the 5 minutes, she wants to show her data on a line graph.  What should she put on the x-axis of her graph?

What is time?


What is an example of kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic - A soccer ball moving toward the goal

Potential - A car parked in the parking lot

This exists when all the forces acting on an object result in the object staying at rest or moving at a constant speed in the same direction.
What is balanced force?

Fill in the blank: For ______ to occur on this object, a force must act upon it.

What is motion


Mrs. K's class and Mrs. Jeanie's class challenged each other to a game of tug-of-war. Each class grabbed onto different ends of the long rope. Mrs. Jeanie blew a whistle and both teams began to pull and pull. Neither team could pull the other team over. Give a statement about the forces involved in the tug-of-war between the two classrooms. "The forces were ___________ because _______________."

What is (something like) "the forces were balanced because the teams could not pull each other over"?


What causes a wagon to speed up when going down a hill?

What is gravity?