Forces and Motion
A push or pull on something.
What is force?
If you were observing and measuring the motion of toy jumping frogs, you would know that the jumping frogs had moved because the frogs will have done this.
What is changed position?

Mrs. Reeder rolled a marble across the floor to Ms. Keesler. What force started the ball rolling? (balanced force, unbalanced force, gravity, friction)

What is an unbalanced force?


When performing an investigation, it is best to do it how many times?

What is at least 3 times?


The measure of the pull of gravity on an object.

What is weight?

Force that acts on an object when it rubs against another object or material.
What is friction?
In order to change the motion of objects, you would have to apply this, which is a push or a pull.
What is an unbalanced force?

This is the force that acts on a space shuttle as it accelerates toward Earth.

What is gravity?


Give three ways you could cause a rolling marble to take a longer time to travel from one end of a table to another.

What is friction, lower ramp, obstacles such as clay or blocks, etc.?


The measure of how much matter is in an object.

What is mass?


What is Motion?

Any change in a person or object's position.


Newton's First Law of Motion states that moving objects will move forever, and resting objects will rest forever, unless some outside forces acts on them. Choose the BEST observation that supports Newton's First Law. a. A ball that is not moving will remain still unless an outside force, such as a kick or push, acts on it to make it move. b. A tennis ball when thrown into the air will bounce 14 times before it rests. c. Friction is a force that changes the speed and direction of motion. d. Gravity is a force that pulls objects toward Earth.

What is (a.)?


What are they measuring?

What is Friction?


Sawyer thinks that a bowling ball will fall faster to the ground than the volleyball. Lukas thinks that they will hit the ground at the same time. What is the best plan for Sawyer and Lukas to test their ideas? a. Measure the mass of a variety of balls to determine which ball will hit the ground first because it has more mass and heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. B. Drop the bowling ball and the volleyball off a desk or table and see which one hits the ground first. C. Measure the circumference of the bowling ball and the volleyball to determine which will hit the ground first.

What is (b.) Drop the bowling ball and the volleyball off a desk or table and see which one hits the ground first.?


The first part of Newton's First Law of Motion states: An object at rest tends to _____ at ____ unless acted upon by an unbalanced _______.

What is remain, rest, and force?


Friction is a force caused by___________.

What is surfaces rubbing against one another?


When you push an object forward. What force is acting against you.

What is friction and gravity?


Which one is balanced?

A) 6 N  <-      -> 8 N

B) 7 N  <-      -> 3 N

C) 2 N <-       -> 2N  

C) 2 N  <-     -> 2 N


If Lanie is pulling a box with a force of 30 N, and Justin is pushing in the same direction with a force of 30 N, what will happen with the box.

A) The box will not move because the force is balanced

B) The box will move in the direction of the push and pull with a force of 60 N.

C) The box will move in the direction of the push with a force of 30 N

B) The box will move in the direction of the push and pull with a force of 60 N.


The second half of Newton's First Law of Motion states: An object in _______ in a straight line tends to stay _____ motion in a straight line unless acted upon by another __________.

What is motion, in, force (or outside force)?


This exists when all the forces acting on an object result in the object staying at rest.

What is balanced force?


How is motion affected by mass? What Law?

Newton's 2nd law says that heavier objects resist change. The larger the object is the harder it is for it to stop.


Mrs. Reeder's class and Ms Averett's 5th class challenged each other to a game of tug-of-war. Each class grabbed onto different ends of the long rope. Ms. Keesler blew a whistle and both teams began to pull and pull. Neither team could pull the other team over. Give a statement about the forces involved in the tug-of-war between the two 5th grade classrooms. "The forces were ___________ because _______________."

What is (something like) "the forces were balanced because the teams could not pull each other over"?


Abby and Alice were testing the flight of paper airplanes as they tossed them across the school gym. The airplanes flew across the gym and then came to a rest on the floor. The four forces that affected the flight of the paper airplane were......

What is weight (gravity), lift, drag (friction), and thrust (push or pull)?


You can describe an object sitting at rest on the ground as follows: The ______ of the object on the ground is _________ with the ________ of the ground on the object.

What is force, balanced, and force?