Friction and Misc.
Newton's Laws
Collisions and Misc.
What type of friction is demonstrated by riding a bike on the grass?
Rolling Friction.
Which law explains why what happens when you sit on one end of a see-saw and the other end goes up with the same force that you sat down with?
Newton's Third Law
Is there more kinetic energy or potential energy in this situation: A boulder sitting at the top of a hill.
Potential Energy
What is the source of centripetal force in your roller coasters?
The curves in the track direct the motion of the marble.
Two tennis balls collide and bounce backwards, what kind of a collision is this?
Elastic Collision
When you put snow tires on your car, when it is icy outside, are you increasing or decreasing friction?
Which law explains why a football will not move from the grass until some kicks it.
Newton's First Law of Motion
Is there more potential or kinetic energy in this situation: a race car zooming around the track.
Kinetic Energy
How does the force of gravity affect the motion of falling objects?
It causes them to accelerate at a rate of 10 m/s/s as they fall to the ground.
Identify the equation for work. Identify one example of a way a simple machine makes work easier.
Work = force x distance Part II. multiple answers.
Identify the three laws of conservation we have learned this year:
Matter Energy Momentum
Which law explains that if you apply the same force to two objects (one big and one small), then the small object will have more acceleration.
Newton's Second Law of Motion
Name two ways that you can increase Gravitational Potential Energy? Use the equation to support your answer.
Increase the height and increase the mass. GPE = m g h
T or F: A still object is experiencing no force.
A still object experiences balanced forces.
What are two ways you can increase the momentum of an object? Use an equation to support your answer.
increase mass increase velocity momentum = mass x velocity
How does friction impact mechanical (potential and kinetic) energy?
It transforms it into thermal energy, slowing down the velocity.
If a marble is rolling on the concrete, what two forces will stop it eventually?
Gravity and Friction
Name two ways to increase kinetic energy of an object? Use an equation to support your answer.
Increase speed or increase mass. KE = 1/2 (m x v2)
If an object is being pulled 5N to the left, and 2N to the right, what is the object's Net Force?
3N to the left
For an elastic collision: Bowling ball (A) moves with a momentum of 10 kg m/s and bumps into a still bowling ball (B) of equal mass. Describe the momentum of each ball after the collision.
After the collision the momentum of bowling ball (A) transfers to bowling ball (B). Bowling ball A is still as the B moves forward with momentum of 10 kg m/s.
T or F: Friction is a form of energy.
False: Friction is a force, not an energy. It can cause KE to be transformed into thermal energy.
Which of Newton's Laws explains why objects fall at the same rate?
Newton's Second Law
When kinetic energy seems to be "lost" (by an object slowing down), what does the energy become due to friction?
Heat Energy
Why do objects free fall at the same acceleration despite their different masses?
Although heavier objects have greater inertia, gravity has greater force on heavier objects
Describe what will occur to momentum of each object during an inelastic collision: A car collides into a still car with a momentum of 6000 kg m/s
Cars will not bounce apart. Both cars will move in the direction of the collision with a momentum of 3000 kg m/s each.