Types of Forces
Newton's Laws of Motion
The Nature of Forces
a force that acts between all masses and causes then to attract one another is ____________________. It is similar to what makes a marker fall to the floor.
What is gravitation?
A force that resists motion, relative to each other, of objects that are touching_________________________. Rubbing your hands together is an example.
What is friction?
You say right now that you are not moving while at your seat. Yet, if you were in a space prove on Mars, you could see that you are moving on our planet. You have just changed your:
What is frame of reference?
If I walk in the same direction and at the same speed as someone else, we have the same:
What is velocity?
Name a difference between weight and mass.
What is weight is how heavy something is and mass is how much space it takes up.
The change of position during a unit of time is called__________________.
What is speed?
A change in speed or direction of an object's motion ______________________________. This change could be that we speed up, slow down, or turn.
What is acceleration?
_________________ is the measurement of the force of gravity on an object.
What is weight?
It is field day and our class is participating in the tug-of-war. If both sides are pulling with the same force and the rope doesn't move, we call that _______________________.
What is balanced forces?
Is every object on the Earth moving? Why or Why not?
What is yes. The Earth is revolving around the sun, and rotating on its axis.
The speed and direction of an object.
What is velocity?
The property of matter that keeps a moving object moving in a straight line.
What is inertia?
The term___________________ describes how hard it is to slow down or stop an object. The formula for finding it is mass X velocity.
What is momentum?
We continue the tug-of-war and we begin to win; the rope is pulled towards or side! The forces are now: _______________________.
What is unbalanced?
Name to examples of a force.
What is gravity and magnets?
A push or pull is a ______________________.
What is force?
__________________ is the location of an object. You might say you are in front of the board, next to another student, or near the teacher's desk.
What is position?
To measure the speed of an object, I use the formula:
What is distance divided by time?
It is easier to stop a bicycle than a car when both are moving at the same speed in the same direction because:
What is the car has more momentum?
An object with more inertia has _____________mass.
What is more?
The force of attraction between Earth and other objects. It's what makes a pencil fall to the floor.
What is gravity?
A change in position of an object (examples include forward, backward, up, down, side to side) ___________________________.
What is motion?
To compare the speeds of 2 objects, it woud be best to use:
What is a bar graph?
You were one place in the morning and another place in the afternoon, how do I know that you were in motion?
What is I changed my position?
Besides rubbing your hands together, what is one example of friction?
What is the brakes on a car.