Friction Extravaganza
Our Friend Gravity
Speed and Acceleration- Let's goooo!
Newton's Laws
Fun with Energy and Forces

True or False. A bike on grass is a form of friction?

What is true. Textured surfaces create more friction!


True or False: Does gravity hold us on the earth?

What is True!


If you say,"An eel is swimming 10 miles per hour west." you are stating its _______.

What is Velocity!


True or False: An object in motion will stay in motion.

What is True


True or False: An unbalanced force doesn't affect motion (hint: think what a net zero force does)

What is False


Which is a form of decreasing the amount of friction between two objects intentionally? 

A. Putting snow tires on a car when the road is icy. B.Oil on a a squeaky door hinge. C.Wearing cleats in field sports. D.None of the above.

What is B. Oil on a squeaky door hinge


What is the measurement of the force of gravity on an object? A. Leather Belt B. Weight C. Friction D. Acceleration

What is weight


True or False: An object's acceleration depends on its favorite ice cream and the ice cream's mass

What is False!


A rocket taking off is an example of action and reaction. Which of Newton's laws best fits this description? 

A. 1st  

B. 2nd  

C. 3rd  

D. 88th

What is 3rd


True or False: Kinetic energy is when an object is not in motion (like me before coffee)



What is the definition of friction? Be close to the answer for credit.

What is when two surfaces rub together and prevents or slows motion.

What are the two main factors that affect the gravitational pull between two objects?

Mass and distance


True or False: Acceleration is how quickly Tayo overcomes his inertia and speeds up when he hears the treat bag!

What is True!


Which of Newton's laws states: That an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. A.1st  B.2nd  C.3rd  D. Newton's law of baby sharks

What is 1st


A____ is a push or pull on an object. A.rubber chicken B. force  C.inertia  D.Black hole

What is B.


True or False. The four main types of friction are:

Liquid friction, sliding friction, rolling friction, and static friction

What is True!


True or False: A corn dog will fall faster than Tayo the dog, assuming there are no other forces acting upon them?

What is False! Objects are all subject to the same amount of gravitational force.


What is inertia?

A.When you sing your favorite song in the shower B.When an object resists a change in it's state in motion C.When an object turns into a unicorn D. A force that moves an object into a 360

What is B.


Which of Newton's Laws states: That for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

A.1st  B.3rd  C.2nd  D.The law of Baby Yoda

What is 3rd


This type of energy is stored energy that depends upon the relative position of the system or object. Like Tayo's tennis ball before it rolls down the hill! 

You all got lots of this too!

Potential Energy


What are the two factors that affect the force of friction and try to give an example of each! (Hint, think about our friction labs and what we did)

1. Types of surfaces (smooth, textured, rough, etc.) 

2. How hard the surfaces are being pushed together


The average gravitational pull or force on an object on planet Earth in meters per second is:

9.8 meters per second


When astronauts return from space, one of the most dangerous parts of their journey is reentering Earth's atmosphere from the vacuum of space. This is related to friction!

True or False: Friction decreases speed and can produce sometimes very intense heat

What is True.


True of False: The equation for Newton's 2nd law is: Force equals mass times acceleration.

What is True, and do a little dance!


What factors affect the kinetic energy of an object? And no, it is not just how many french fries it has eaten!

Mass and Velocity (or speed)