Motion Diagrams & Vocab
Calculating Speed, Vectors
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law

An object we can use to tell the motion of another object 

Reference Point 


What is the equation we use to calculate SPEED? 

Speed = Distance / Time 


What is the definition of Newton's 1st Law? 

An object in motion or at rest will remain that way unless acted on by an outside force. 


What is Newton's 2nd Law? State it in both words and in the formula. 

F = ma OR the net force on an object is equal to the object's mass * acceleration 


What is Newton's 3rd Law? 

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 


The _________ and __________ are key characteristics that define VELOCITY 

Speed and Direction 


A vector describes ________ and _________

Magnitude and Direction 


What is 'inertia'? What property of an object does it rely on? 

An object's natural ability to resist changes in motion. Relies on an object's mass. 


Calculate the force needed to pull a 200kg cart at an acceleration of 2.5m/s/s. Don't forget the units your answer should be in! 

F = 200kg * 2.5m/s/s = 500N


What is a force? Provide an example of ONE type of force we have talked about so far. 

A force is anything that can push or pull another object 

Examples: gravity, friction, air resistance, normal, weight, tension 


Define acceleration and provide an example. 

Acceleration: the rate in change of velocity 

Examples could include: throwing a ball from rest, riding on a rollercoaster, launching a rocket, etc. 


Calculate the speed (WITH UNITS) of a soccer ball that travels 25 meters in 15 seconds 

25/15 = 1.67m/s


What can cause an object that is not currently in motion to begin moving? 

Forces (push or pull) 


Using Newton's 2nd Law, explain how a rocket is capable of liftoff using jet propulsion. You should include force, mass and acceleration in your answer. 

The force of the thrusters eventually overcomes the mass of the rocket, and allows the rocket to accelerate into the air 


If an object is in motion, what does this say about the forces acting on that object? 

The forces are unbalanced


In a position vs time graph, what variable ALWAYS goes on the X-Axis? What variable ALWAYS goes on the Y-Axis? Provide units for both. 

X-Axis = Time (seconds)

Y-Axis = Position (meters) 


I launch a cannonball 12.5m away and find that the speed is 5.4m/s. How long did it take my cannonball to travel 12.5m? 

T = 12.5m/5.4m/s = 2.3s 


What kind of forces cause an object to stop moving on our planet? List three. 

1.) Gravity 

2.) Friction 

3.) Air resistance 

4.) Weight 


If the cart of a rollercoaster weighs 220kg, and the force pulling the cart is 1200N, what is the acceleration of the cart? Use correct units! 

a = 1200N/220kg = 5.45m/s/s


Any CONTACT FORCE always has this type of force pushing back on it: 

Normal Force 


Using the example on the white board: 

What is the acceleration doing at Point A? 

What happens at Point B? 

What is the acceleration doing at Point C? 

Point A: Acceleration increases 

Point B: Velocity is constant 

Point C: Acceleration decreases 

Bob rides his bike 25km over the span of 4 hours. What was his speed in m/s? 

1km = 1000 meters 

1 hour = 60 minutes = ???? seconds 


25km = 25,000m

4 hours = 3600(4) = 14,400s 

25,000m/14,400s = 1.73m/s


In terms of forces, what is friction? 

Friction is a resistance force that causes motion to be lost 


Mr. Breeden's son weighs 42lbs and likes to launch himself down slides. If he races down a slide at 5ft/s/s, what force does he launch himself with? 

1lb = .45kg 

1ft = .304m 

42lb = 18.9kg 

5ft = 1.65m 

F = 18.9kg*1.65m/s/s = 31.185N

The free body diagram on the board is describing someone dragging a box along the ground. What forces are represented by A, B, C, and D? Is this balanced or unbalanced? 

A = normal force 

B = weight/gravity force 

C = pull/contact force 

D = friction 

UNBALANCED because box is moving.