use the Kinematics graphs
use the Kinematics graphs
The direction of motion of an object is determinedby studying the object's movement in relation to a(n)
What is reference object
On a distance-time graph, a slanting straight line indicates
What is constant speed
Mass is a property of an ojbect, while weight is a ________ that depends on where the object is.
What is force
According to Figure 1, the ball is at its highest point when it has been in the air for 4.0 seconds. how much additional time (past 4.0 seconds) must the object fall before it is at the same height as it was at poition C?
What is an additinal 2.0 seconds
Based on the data in Figure 3, how does the speed of the object at point C of Figure 1 compare to the speed of the object at point H of Figure 1?
What is The speed of the object is approximately 10m/s greater at point H.
speed is described in units of _______ and __________
What is distance and time
When an object remains at rest, _________ forces must be acting on it.
What is balanced
Energy is the ability to cause ____________
What is change
What point on Figure 1 corresponds to Point L in Figure 2?
What is Point D
Use Figure 2 and Figure 3 to determine the position and the velocity of the object when it is at Point D in Figure 1
What is Position = 74 m; velocity = 10m/s
The total distance traveled divided by the total time gives the
What is average speed
A(n) ________ force is needed to bring a moving object to rest or to put an object at rest in motion.
What is unbalanced
When an elevator is moving upward at constant speed, its _________ energy is increasing, but its _________ energy is not changing.
What is potential, kinetic
Use Figure 2 to determine the height of the object when it is at point B of Figure 1.
What is about 34 meters high
Use Figure 2 and Figure 3 to determine the position of the object when it velocity is approximately -15m/s
What is The position is 66m.
A moving object that is not accelerating is moving at
What is constant speed
The more ________ an ojbect has, the less quickly it changes speed under the same force.
What is mass
A curved line on a ditance-time graph represents
What is acceleration
Use Figure 2 to determine how much higher the object is when it is at point D (Figure 1) compared to point G (Figure 1)
What is The object is 15 meters higher at point D than it is at point G.
Use Figure 2 and Figure 3 to determine the velocity of the object when its position is approximately 20m above the ground and it is heading downward from its peak.
What is The velocity is -33 m/s
Acceleration is the changing of speed and /or
What is direction
If someone pushes on a swinging door, there is an equal and oposite ___________ force that the door exerts on the person.
What is reaction
What is the approximate weight in newtons of a man with a mass of 84 kg?
What is 840n
According to Figure 3, how fast is the object moving at a time of 5.0 seconds?
What is Approximately 10m/s
True or False; The object's velocity is changing by the same amount during each second of motion. Why?
What is False; velocity is change is speed and direction, before peak the direction is up, after it is down.