Velocity & Average Speed
Net Forces
Name the force
Grab Bag
Velocity includes both
What is speed and direction?
Two people are pulling on a rope with the same force but in opposite directions. The net force is zero because...
What are balanced forces?
A rope is being pulled in a game of tug-o-war. Name the force.
What is tension?
Which is an example of velocity? 20 mph, 22 mph west, or 13 miles
What is 22 mph west?
Gravity determines which of the following... momentum, gravity, or mass
What is weight?
The rate at which velocity changes
What is acceleration?
If you slide a box on a table you know the force of friction is more/less than...
What is less than the force pushing the box?
A surfer is riding a wave. Name the force.
What is fluid friction?
Two boats have the same velocity is they have the same ______ and same ___________.
What is speed and direction?
A ball is traveling at 3 meters per second. How far will the ball have traveled in 2 seconds?
What is 6 meters?
Two cars are moving at the same speed but they have different velocities
What are two cars moving in different directions?
Jenny and Kim are playing tug-o-war. Jenny is pulling with a force of 22 Newtons. Kim is pulling with a force or 28 Newtons. What is the net force?
What is 6 Newtons the direction Kim is pulling?
A toy car is easier to move than a real car because a real car has more mass and therefore more....
What is inertia?
A purse is sitting on a table exerting a downward force of 15 Newtons. What force would be needed to pick up the purse?
What is an upward force greater than 15 Newtons?
A spider is moved 40 cm in 120 seconds. What is the spider's average speed?
What is .33 cm per second?
Jack runs 11 miles in 2 hours. His average speed is?
What is 5.5 miles per hour.
A ping pong ball and a basketball are both pushed on with a force of 50 Newtons. The ball that will accelerate more is...
What is the ping pong ball?
A skateboard has wheels and therefore encounters which force that works opposite the direction of motion?
What is rolling friction?
If you are driving at a constant speed and then you suddenly stop your have had a change in velocity which is...
What is acceleration?
JP pushes a box with a force of 25 Newtons to the right. Paula pushes in the opposite direction with a force of 23 Newtons to the left. What is the net force?
What are 2 Newtons to the right?