Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Forces & Motion Situations
Newton's 3 Laws
A push or pull
What is force?
What is motion?
Two kids are playing catch with a softball and one throws it to the other. While the ball is in the air, a gust of wind blows the ball away from the other person. What caused the ball to change direction?
What is unbalanced force of the wind?
What does Newton's 1st Law of Motion state?
What is the Law of Inertia?
Define speed
What is how fast an object's position is moving (distance/time)
A force that works against motion
What is friction?
The tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion
What is inertia?
I drop a bowling ball, a basketball, and a paper clip from the second story of a house. Which one will hit the ground with THE MOST FORCE ?
What is the bowling ball?
What does Newton's 2nd Law of Motion state?
What is force equals mass times acceleration?
Fill in the blank... When forces acting on an object are ________, the object's motion is constant.
What is balanced?
The ability to do work or cause change
What is energy?
A force that changes an objects direction
What is unbalanced force?
If two kids are pulling on a pencil in different directions, the forces acting on the pencil are what?
What is opposing?
What does Newton's 3rd Law of Motion state?
What is every action has an equal and opposite reaction?
What changes an objects direction?
What is an unbalanced force?
A force that attracts two objects toward one another
What is gravity?
How hard it will be to stop an object in motion
What is momentum?
Two kids are carrying a desk out of our classroom. What can be said about the forces the students are applying to the desk?
What is the forces are acting in the same direction?
I am pulling 3 weights of different size and weight. The weights are 5 pounds, 4 pounds, and 3 pounds. The 5 pound weight takes more force to pull than the 3 or 4 pound weight. What law of motion does this demonstrate?
What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion (F= MA) ?
Fill in the blank... When an object is in motion, its _________ is changing.
What is position?
Two forces acting on an object causing the object to stay in it's same motion
What is balanced force?
The speed of an object AND it's direction
What is velocity?
I jump in the air and land with more force than my baby cousin when she jumps. What can be said about me?
What is I have more mass than my baby cousin?
I am on a skateboard, rolling down the sidewalk in constant motion. I hit a crack in the sidewalk, and the skateboard changes direction and then stops. Which law of motion is this an example of?
What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion
A pitch is thrown to a baseball player up to bat. When the player swings the bat and makes contact with the ball, the ball flies out to the outfield. This is an example of which law of motion?
What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?