Laws of Motion
Examples of Laws
Using force to move an object away from you
What is a push
The man who conducted experiments and made observations about how things move. He discovered three important ideas which later became known as the "Laws of Motion"
What is Sir Isaac Newton
You can kick kick a soccer ball farther than you can kick a bowling ball. Which law does this explain?
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion
The force that pulls objects towards the Earth
What is gravity
Newtons First Law States
What is an object in motion tends to stay in motion, an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless an outside force acts upon it.
You had a balloon that was filled up with air. When you let it go, the air blows forward, but the balloon flies in the opposite direction. Which law does this explain?
What is Newton's Third Law
The resistance caused when two objects rub against one another
What is friction
For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
What is Newton's third law
A basketball is on the floor. One hour later, the basketball is still in the same place. Then you push it with your hand and it moves. Which law does this explain?
What is Newton's First Law
The act or process of changing position
What is motion
What is the name of Newton's Second Law?
What is Law of Acceleration
A chair with three books on it is pushed across the floor. The chair stops moving, but the books continue moving forward. Which law does this explain?
What is Newton's First Law
An object at rest wants to stay at rest, and an object in motion wants to stay in motion.
What is inertia
In Newton's Second Law, what effects the speed of an object?
What is the force
It takes more force to push a wheelbarrow full of sand than it does to push an empty wheelbarrow. Which law does this explain?
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion