Type of Force
Net Force
Do not cause a change in motion. They are equal in size and opposite in direction.
Balanced Forces
On roller coasters, this type of force lifts me off my seat over hills and keeps me in my seat during loops. What force is this??
When you drop your book on the floor, you are demonstrating...
Gravitational Force
You push a car with 120 N. What is the net force?
Net Force: 120 N
Which one of Newton's laws states that an object in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon by a nonzero net force? (also known as Newton's Law of Inertia)
Newton's First Law of Motion
The SI unit used to measure the strength of a force.
A.) What happens when the north poles of two magnets are drawn near each other? B.) What happens when the opposite poles of two magnets are drawn near each other?
A.) They Repel B.) They Attract
When you pull a chair across a room, you are demonstrating...
Applied Force
A student is pushing on a piano using 30 N to the right. Another student is pulling the same piano using 40 N to the right. What is the net force that the students are using to move the piano? Direction?
Net Force: 70 N to right.
Which of Newton's Law's states that if one object exerts a force on another object, then the second object exerts a force of equal strength in the opposite direction on the first object.
Newton's Third Law of Motion
The force that one surface exerts on another when two surfaces rub against each other. (CONTACT FORCE)
Two factors that affect the gravitational attraction between objects are:
Mass and Distance
When you make a sock stick to your shirt,you are demonstrating...
Electrical Force
Four friends are playing tug-of-war, two versus two. The two friends on the left are pulling 20 N each, and the two on the right are pulling 15 N each. What is the net force and which side is going to win?
Net Force: 10 N to the LEFT
When you sit on a chair, the chair exerts a ________ _____, which prevents you from falling to the ground.
Reaction Force
A force that is put on an object by another object. (CONTACT FORCE)
Applied Force
What happens to the gravitational force between two objects when their masses are increased?
Their force increases!!
When you stand on a bathroom scale, it displays the __________ Earth is exerting on you.
Gravitational Force
A box has a force of 80 N to the left applied to it. It also has a force of 28 N to the right applied to the box. What is the net force?
Net Force: 52 N to the left.
Which of Newton's Laws states that an object's acceleration depends on its mass and on the net force acting on it?
Newton's Second Law of Motion
A force between two charged objects. Force acting at a distance (NON-CONTACT)
Electrical Force
What is one of the two pieces of information do you need to describe force?
Strength and Direction
Name the three forces that act at a distance. (NON-CONTACT)
Gravitational, Electrical, and Magnetic
A moving company is moving furniture. Two movers are moving a large cabinet. One mover is applying a force of 75 N to the left and the other mover is applying 85 N to the left. What is the net force that is being used to move the cabinet? Direction?
Net Force: 160 N to the Left
True or False If you increase the mass of an object, but keep the force on it constant, its acceleration DECREASES.
True Acceleration= Net Force/ Mass The larger the MASS, the more FORCE is needed to maintain a desired acceleration.