Forces & Motion...
Grab Bag...
This and That...
The force that prevents or slows motion between objects that are touching is __________
What is Friction
A push or a pull
What is force
Melissa walked 3 miles in one hour. With this information, what can yo compute?
What is speed
What do you know about a car that is accelerating? a) its speed only increases b) its speed only decreases c) A force is acting on it d) A force is not acting on it
What is "c" A force is acting on it
Which surface would probably offer the least friction if you were to slide a box across it? a) brick b0 carpet c) ice d) wood
What is "c" ice
Forces that do NOT cancel each other out
What are unbalanced forces
Forces that cancel out one another
What are balanced forces
Which of the following is NOT a force? a) acceleration b) air resistance c) friction d) surface tension
What is "a" acceleration
Which force pulls charged objects? a) nuclear force b) gravitational force c) magnetic force d) electrical force
What is "d" electrical force
Two teams are having a tug of war. Neither team is winning. Which kinds of forces are acting on the rope? a) balanced forces b) magnetic forces c ) unbalanced forces d) vertical forces
What is "a" balanced forces
A force that acts between any two masses in the universe and pulls them toward each other
What is gravitational force
A measure of the force of gravity on an object
What is weight
Which unit is used to measure gravity? a) meters b) meters per second c) newtons d) milligrams
What is "c" newtons
If the force acting on an object increases, what else increases?
What is acceleration
Suppose a needle is floating on water. What kind of force is holding the needle in place? a) air resistance b) surface tension c) liquid force d) nuclear force
What is "b" surface tension
The direction AND speed of a moving object
What is velocity
The tendency of matter to resist a change in motion
What is inertia
An object is floating in a container of water. Which force opposes gravity? a) electricity b) friction c) surface tension d) buoyant force
What is "d" buoyant force
Which 2 factors keep a planet in orbit around the sun? a) gravitation and the planet's inertia b) gravitation and the planet's weight c) gravity and the planet's size d) gravity and the sun's inertia
What is "a" gravitation and the planet's inertia
Two girls are helping each other push a cart of books down the hallway. What is the total of their force called? a) frictional force b) net force c) gravitational force d) universal force
What is "b" net force
An object's change in velocity divided by the time it takes for that change to occur
What is acceleration
A stationary object used to determine a position change
What is Frame of reference
Which of the following is most affected by changes in gravitational force? a) electrical force b) magnetic force c) mass d) weight
What is "d" weight
A heavy box is sitting on the floor. What prevents a man from moving the box? a) acceleration b) air pressure c) inertia d) velocity
What is "c" inertia
Which 2 factors affect gravitational force? a) acceleration and masses b) distance and masses c) distance and size d) volume and masses
What is "c" distance and masses