What Force am I?
Important Terms
Paper Airplanes
Newton's Laws
Magnetism and Electricty
Susan rolled the ball across the floor to Steve. What force started the ball rolling?
What is unbalanced force?
A push or pull on something.
What is force?
The force that is pulling the paper airplane to the ground.
What is gravity?
When performing an investigation, it is best to do it at least this many times.
What is 3 times?
What two objects do if they have opposite charges. One is positively charged and one is negatively charged.
What is attract?
The force that pulls us toward the Earth.
What is gravity?
The force (a push or pull) that touches or comes into contact with an object to change motion.
What is contact force?
The force between the molecules in the air and the airplane.
What is friction, or drag?
When an object is sitting at rest, the force of the object on the ground is...
What is balanced?
What two objects do if they both have a negative charge.
What is repel?
True or False: A balanced force exists when all the forces acting on an object result in the object staying at rest or moving at a constant speed in the same direction.
What is true?
Magnetism, electricity, and gravity are all examples of this type of force.
What is non-contact force?
The force happening when the plane is at rest after its landing.
What is a balanced force?
True or False: Objects with more mass will always hit the ground faster than objects that weigh less.
What is false?
The force that made the paper clip "float" on the string.
What is magnetism?
The force caused by surfaces rubbing against each other.
What is friction?
A device that makes a job easier to do by changing the amount of force, the direction of a force, or the distance through which a force moves.
What is a simple machine?
The force occurring when you throw the airplane.
What is thrust, or a push?
True or False: A ball will remain still unless an outside force, such as a kick or push, acts on it to make it move.
What is true?
The two ends of a magnet, where opposites are attracted to each other.
What are the north and south pole?
The force involved when two teams are playing tug-of-war and neither team can pull the other one over.
What is balanced force?
What you look at to tell something is in motion. (Hint: looking at a tree to know a bird is in motion).
What is a point of reference?
The four forces that affect the flight of the airplanes.
What is gravity (weight), friction (air resistance/drag), push or pull (thrust), and lift?
Newton's law that states moving objects will move forever and resting objects will rest forever unless some outside force acts on them.
What is Newton's First Law?
The force used when a magnetic field moves objects over a distance without actually touching then.
What is non-contact force?