Newton's Laws
Newton's Laws 2
Newton's Laws 3
This states that the acceleration of an object is in the same direction as the net force on the object
What is Newton's Second Law
This is the frictional force that prevents two surfaces from sliding past each other
What is static friction
Newton's third law is also called this type of force
What is action and reaction
This is the gravitational force exerted on an object
What is weight
This is the net force on a racecar with a mass of 1200 grams if its acceleration is 40 m/s2
What is 48,000 N
Newton's second law states that mass, force, and this are all related
What is acceleration
This is the force that opposes the force of gravity when an object is falling through the air
What is air resistance
This is why action and reaction forces do not cancel
What is they are acting on different objects
This is an object that is thrown or shot through the air
What is a projectile
This is the force of gravity on a skydiver with a mass of 90 kg
What is 882 N
This is the equation used to calculate force
What is force= mass x acceleration
This causes a desk you are pushing across the classroom to stop when you stop pushing
What is sliding friction
Give an example of Newton's third law in action
What is rocket lifting off, jumping on the trampoline, etc..
This is an attractive force between any two objects that depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them
What is gravity
This is the momentum of a football player with a mass of 80 kg and a velocity of 5 m/s
What is 400 kg m/s
This is the force that opposes the sliding motion of two surfaces that are touching each other
What is friction
When an object falls with a constant speed because the upward air resistance is large enough to balance the downward force of gravity
What is terminal velocity
This is the product of an object's mass and velocity
What is momentum
This is the net force exerted toward the center of a curved path
What is centripetal force
A car is being pulled by a tow truck. What is the car's mass if the net force on the car is 6,000 N and it has an acceleration of 3.0 m/s2?
What is 2,000 kg
These are the microscopic dips and bumps on the surface of an object that cause friction
What is microwelds
State Newton's Third Law
What is when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second one exerts a force on the first that is equal and opposite in direction
An eight ball moves with the same momentum that the cue ball had before contact was made. This happens because of
What is the law of conservation of momentum
Explain why weight and mass are not the same
What is weight is dependent upon gravity and mass is not
This is the mass of a person who weighs 1000 N
What is 102 kg