The SI unit used to measure the strength of a force.
What is a Newton?
200 miles
What is distance?
The speed of someone traveling 300 miles in 2 hours.
Who is 150 miles/hour?
2 hours
What is time?
The distance traveled in 2 hours at a speed of 30 miles/hour.
What is a 60 miles?
200 miles/hour
What is speed?
The net force and direction if one force is pushing 30 newtons to the left, and the other is pushing 40 newtons to the right.
What is 10 newtons to the right?
16 hours
What is time?
The net force if one force is pushing right at 100 newtons, and the other force is pushing to the right at 50 newtons
What is 150 newtons to the right?
Will not change an object's motion.
What is a net force of O N? (No Force)
When you stand on a scale at the doctor's office the number displayed depicts the ____________that the Earth is exerting on you/
What is gravitational force?
800 meters/second
What is speed?
What is the net force and direction if there a force of 100 Newtons down, 100 Newtons right, 100 Newtons left, 110 Newtons Up, and 10 Newtons down?
What is 0 (they are balanced)?