all the things you keep the SAME in an investigation to make it a fair test
controlled variables
the tool you would use to measure the mass of an object
electronic balance (or scale)
Newton's 1st Law states that an object at rest will stay at rest until it is acted on by a(n) _______________ force?
In order to make an object START moving, you must apply a(n) ______________ force.
the ONE THING you change on purpose in an investigation
independent variable
the best tool to measure force
spring scale (or force meter)
Newton's 2nd law states that an object with more ______ will have more inertia, and therefore require more force to move.
Is this a balanced or unbalanced force? Explain why.
Unbalanced because the horizontal forces are uneven.
the ONE THING you measure in an investigation to see if the changes you made had any effect
dependent variable
The two tools you would need in order to measure an object's speed
Ruler and a timer
the type of force that will cause a change in an object's motion
Will this object move? If so, which direction?
Yes, to the right
Is this investigation controlled? Explain why.
Yes - they are only changing ONE thing between the two setups (the amount of water)
I am investigating the effect of SPEED on the FRICTION FORCE. What tool(s) do I need?
SPEED: ruler, timer
FRICTION FORCE: spring scale/force meter
Which requires more force to move - a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of metal?
They are both 1 kg, so they require the same force to move
It requires more force to move 3 blocks than it does to move 1 block. Explain how this is an example of an unbalanced force.
3 blocks have more mass, so they also have more friction. In order to move the blocks, you have to apply an unbalanced force that is greater than the friction force.
You drag different amounts of blocks across 2 different surfaces and measure the amount of friction force. Is this a controlled investigation or not? Explain.
No, you are changing the amount of blocks AND the type of surface. You can only change one thing.
I drag the block at different SPEEDS. The FORCE I measure while I drag it is the same, no matter the speed. What does this tell me?
The speed of an object does not change the friction force acting on it
A bus and a car are traveling at 100km/h. If they slam on their brakes at the same time, which will stop first? Why?
The car because it has less mass and requires a smaller force to change its motion
True, if the object is moving at a constant speed.