Magnets and Static Electricity

What causes the leaves to fall to the ground?

A. Static electricity

B. Magnetic force

C. Gravity

D. Balanced force

C. Gravity has a very important job!


Olivia is swinging on a swing. What happens if she applies more force when pumping/kicking her legs?

A. The swing will stop

B. The swing will spin

C. The swing will go higher

D. The swing will slow down

C. More force will help her go higher


Kameron puts a balloon with a negative charge on his back that has a negative charge. What will happen?

A. The balloon is attracted to Kam because of the opposite charges

B. The balloon is repelled from Kam because of the same charges

C. The balloon will pop because Kameron is a cactus disguised as a student in Mrs. B's classroom

A. Opposites attract

*Not saying Kam is a cactus, not saying he isn't. Just saying I have never seen Kam in the same room as a cactus and that is sus!


Which shows a balanced force acting on an object?

A. A cat chasing a mouse

B. A football player scoring a touchdown

C. Two people playing tug-of-war and the rope is not moving

D. Two people dancing

C. Balanced force means it is not moving


Which is an example of regular motion?

A. Pushing in your chair

B. Walking down the hall

C. The hands on a clock continuing to spin

C. you can predict regular motion


Max rubbed a balloon on his wool sweater and stuck it to the wall. How can he do this?

A. Magnets

B. Static Electricity

C. Gravity

D. Magic beans

Static Electricity


Which shows an unbalanced force?

A. A book resting on a desk

B. A pencil sitting on the floor

C. A swing moving back and forth

D. Nothing

C. Unbalanced force means there is movement occuring.


More force means___________.

A. Faster motion

B. Slower motion

c. More gravity

A. If you keep applying more force, it will continue to grow speed


Which statement about magnets is true?

A. Magnets are magic

B. The force between two magnets changes when the distance between the magnets is changed.

C. The distance between the magnets does not affect the force.

B. The closer magnets are, the stronger they become. The farther apart magents are, the weaker they become


Which of these objects are using force on each other?

A. A pencil sitting on a desk

B. A rain drop falling

C. You can't show force on another object

A. The pencil is pushing against the desk (even if it is not moving there is a force)


How does a Merry-go-round show regular motion?

A. Unbalanced forces cause the ride to instantly stop spinning

B. The direction constantly changes

C. The horses never stay on the Merry-go-round

D. You can predict that it is going to continue to spin in the same pattern

D. Predictable Pattern


Help me solve a problem.

I found 2 magnets and I am using them to hold paper to a small whiteboard, but they aren't working. Which could be my problem?

A. The magnets are too strong

B. The magnets have two like poles facing each other and it's causing them to repel.

C. The magnets have two opposite poles facing each other and it's causing them to attract.

B. If the magnets are repelling, they are not holding up the paper.


Which of these objects are using forces on each other?

A. A leaf falling

B. A bat hitting a baseball

C. A dog being cute

B. the bat and baseball are touching

*Dogs can still be cute and not be the answer to the question


Daily Double

Choose how many points you want to bet with this question.

Does a see-saw show regular motion? Why or Why not?

Yes. It is predictable motion. Up and down, then up and down...


Help me solve a problem.

I found 2 magnets and I am using them to hold paper to a small whiteboard, but they aren't working. How can I get it to work?

A. Use only small magnets

B. Turn one magnet over so that opposite poles are facing each other

C. Throw it out and forget about it

B. If opposite poles are facing each other, there will be an attraction