Newton's Laws
Weight vs. Mass
Movement of Objects
Universal Forces
Define Newton's First Law
An object in motion tends to stay in motion, an object at rest tends to stay at rest.
What is mass?
The amount of matter in an object.
When you throw or launch and object it take a specific type of path. What would the shape of the path be and what type of motion is this?
The shape is curved and the path is projectile.
What is a newton? What units make it up?
Newton is a measure of force and can also be written as kg x m/s^2
Describe what would happen if you put the opposite ends of a magnet together.
They would repel each other.
What is Newton's Third Law?
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
How do weight and mass differ?
Weight takes into account the acceleration due to gravity, while mass is a measure of the amount of matter.
When two objects are touching this is the force that opposes motion.
What is net force?
The sum of all forces acting on an object.
Which universal force acts only on the protons and neutron's in a nucleus?
The strong nuclear force.
How are the size and direction of action reaction forces related?
They are equal in size and opposite in direction.
Weight is equal to mass multiplied by ______. What letter goes in the blank, what does it stand for, and what is it's value here on Earth?
g , acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m/s^2
What are the forces acting on a falling object?
Gravity and air resistance
Draw force arrows that would result in no motion of an object. What type of force is this?
Arrows are equal and opposite - balanced force
Which universal force is greatest over long distances?
If you are in a car and it stops suddenly you fly foreword in your seat. There is one word to describe why this happens. What is that word, and what is it's definition?
Inertia - the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.
How will your weight change if you go to a planet that has more gravity than Earth? How will you mass change if you go to a planet that has more gravity than Earth?
Weight will increase. Mass will remain the same.
When swinging a beaker full of water this force keeps the beaker traveling in a circular path by doing what?
Centripetal - by exerting an inward force that constantly changes the direction of the beaker.
When you step on a bathroom scale you are measuring _______.
What is weight.
Which universal forces cause repulsion between like charges?
electric and magnetic
Write down three action reaction pairs you see in this room.
Variety of answers...
The SI unit for weight is _______. The SI unit for mass is _______.
weight - N mass - Kg
Two balls have the same mass. They are rolling down a ramp with and one has more momentum than the other. How is this possible?
The ball with more momentum has a greater velocity.
If a ball launched from a height of 10 feet and an identical ball is dropped from the same height, which ball will hit the ground first?
They will hit the ground at the same time.
What happens to gravity as the distance between two objects decreases?
gravity increases