Net Force
Word problems
Potential & Kinetic Energy
More Net Force

What is the net force?

What direction will the dot go?

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?


to the LEFT



Do you have to push against a box less than, greater than, or equal to the force of friction to get the box to start moving? 

GREATER THAN the force of friction!


a push or pull

What is force?


Following the pink droplet of water from the sprinkler.....

Where does it have the most KINETIC energy?

Point E, right before it hits the ground!


What is the net force?

What direction will the dot go?

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?


to the RIGHT



What is the net force?

What direction will the dot go?

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?


it will stay in the same place!



A professional rollerblader is cruising along the boardwalk along a beach when they encounter a section of the boardwalk covered in sand. What will happen to their speed AND WHY? 

Slow down because of friction 

(the sand makes the boardwalk a rougher surface, so increases friction!) 


the resistance of motion when one object rubs against another

what is friction?


Following the pink droplet of water from the sprinkler.....

Where does it have the most POTENTIAL energy AND WHY?

Point C because it's the highest

**Even though the water droplet is STILL MOVING, point C still has the most potential because of its height! 


What is the net force?

What direction will the dot go?

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?


to the LEFT



What is the net force?

What direction will the rope go?

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?


to the LEFT




-Positive Acceleration

-Negative Acceleration

-Centripetal Acceleration

Positive Acceleration: speed up

Negative Acceleration: slow down

Centripetal Acceleration: moving in a circular path


How can I increase an object's gravitational potential energy? 

Lift it higher

(the higher it is the more PE it has!) 


The picture shows a cannonball's path after it was fired from a cannon. At which two points does the cannon have the EXACT SAME amount of potential energy?  

Points B and D because they're the same height


A brother is pulling a toy from his sister with a force of 6  N. The sister is pulling back with a force of 8 N. 

Who gets the toy?

What is the net force? 

The sister gets the toy of course since she is pulling with a stronger force.

Net force = 8 N - 6 N

Net force  = 2 N.


You and your brother are moving a car with a dead battery. You are pushing in a westward direction with a force of 20 N and your brother is pushing westward with a force of 25 N. What is the net force AND direction of the car?

Since you are pushing the car in the same direction, the forces will be added together.

Net force = 45 N

The car is moving WEST (or in a westward direction)

Jeremy is riding his bike at a constant speed of 12 miles per hour. He makes a right-hand turn and continues at the same speed. What changed? 


Acceleration is a change in speed (speed up or slow down) OR a change in direction!! 

**So it can meaning speeding up, slowing down, OR JUST CHANGING DIRECTION!


Speed is a determinant for what type of energy? 

Kinetic Energy


The picture shows three different swingers on the swing set. If each of them was to fall right at this moment, which one would hurt the most AND WHY? 

Swinger 1 because they have the most potential energy! (When they fall, they will gain the most speed/kinetic energy before hitting the ground!) 


Which force would need to increase to slow down the parachuter's descent (fall)? 

Air resistance


4 people are playing tug of war. Two are pulling on the right side. Two are pulling on the left side.  On the right side, one is pulling with a force of 60 N and the other with a force of 70 N. On the left side, one is pulling with a force of 30 N. How much force should the second person on the left apply to keep the net force balanced? 

The net force is balanced if the net force is 0.

The forces on the right is equal to 60 N + 70 N = 130 N

30 N + WHAT = 130 N

The other person should pull with a force of 100 N to keep the rope balanced!


What are the two things that will DECREASE friction (and speed you up!)? 

1. smoother surfaces

2. less weight/force pressing the 2 surfaces together


What is responsible for a change in acceleration? (speeding something up, slowing it down, or changing its direction) 



The total amount of energy in the ball as it drops is 100 J. At point C there is only 24 J of potential energy. How many J of kinetic energy is there? 

76 J


What is the net force? 

What direction will the wagon go? 

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced? 

15 N

to the Right