General Knowledge
Balanced and unbalanced forces
Contact and non-contact force

True or False. A bike on grass is a form of friction?

What is true?


What is this logo?



What is the difference between a balanced and unbalanced force?

Balanced forces are forces that act on the same object but cancel each other out.

Unbalanced forces are forces that would cause the object to speed up, slowing down, turning a corner, being crushed or bent.


Name one example of a contact force.

- friction, air resistance, tension, applied force


Identify the type of force

Magnetic force


Which is a form of decreasing friction intentionally? A. Rubber soles on shoes. B. Oil on a squeaky door hinge. C. Applying brakes to stop a moving car. D. None of the above.

B.Oil on a squeaky door hinge


What Netflix show had the most streaming views in 2021?


Squid Game


Draw an example of balanced forces.


What non-contact force did Isaac Newton discover?



What equipment can we use to measure force and what unit is force measured in?

Double points

Equipment - spring balance

Unit - Newtons (N)


What is the definition of friction? Be close to the answer for credit.

A force that opposes motion between two surfaces.

or resistance 

or goes against 

or causes something to slow down


Who is the actor for hawkeye?

Jeremy Renner


This crazy guy is traveling at 25 m/s. What would happen to his speed if a strong gust of wind goes against him?

His speed will decrease


What effect is force having on this object? 

What is the force that is at work here?

Is the force contact/ non-contact?

Gravity, speeding up, non-contact

Air resistance, slowing down, contact


The man is applying force of 38N to push a box to the right side of the room. If the force of friction resisting the man's push is 20N, what is the net force acting on the box. draw a correct diagram to represent this and calculate the net force.

18N to the right.


Name and explain the two factors that influence friction.

- roughness: the rougher the surface, the greater the friction

- weight: the heavier the object, the greater the friction


Finish the sentence: We don't talk about...

A. Mr Yang, B. Bruno, C. The monster under the bed, D. Coco



Which points in the roller coaster experienced unbalanced forces? Explain your answers.

2: Speed will increase

4: Speed will decrease


Describe an experiment we can do to demonstrate electrostatic force.

e.g., balloon


How do we calculate weight?

Weight = mass x gravity 


Solve the problem:

Mason is struggling to move his fridge. What can he do to be able to move the fridge by himself? explain why he is unable to the fridge and suggest an appropriate solution.

- The fridge as it is heavier in weight than him = not strong enough to push the fridge 

- heavy = more friction (won't move)

- solution: wheels, making the floor more slippery, etc.


How many stars are on the Australian flag?



Scientific skills question:

Graph the following data

   Time vs Temperature


Science skills question: This illustration depicts an experiment to determine the effect of sunlight on grass. For this to be a fair test, identify what things need to be kept constant for each patch of grass.  

The amount of water, the amount of sunlight and the type of grass.


Jupiter has a gravity of around 25 m/sand Earth has a gravity of around 10 m/s2. What we weigh more or less on Jupiter compared to Earth, explain why and show calculations to prove your explanation. 

Weight = gravity x mass (if mass = 10 kg)

Weight on Jupiter = 25 x 10 = 250 kg

Weight on Earth = 10 x 10 = 100 kg

We would weigh 150 kg more on Jupiter because the gravity is higher on Jupiter compared to Earth.