If fore- means before, explain the definition of the following word:
To warn someone about something before it happens
If pre- means earlier than, or prior, explain the definition of the following word:
To set something up beforehand
If pro- means forward, or in favor of, explain the definition of the following word:
Announce officially and publicly
If post- means after, explain the definition of the following word:
After the millennium; a thousand years; usually in terms of Christ
If fore- means before, explain the definition of the following word:
To tell a future event; typically weather
If pre- means earlier than, or prior, explain the definition of the following word:
Occurring or done before the proper/usual time
If pro- means forward, or in favor of, explain the definition of the following word:
To put something off for later in the future
If post- means after, explain the definition of the following word:
After graduating; completion of something
If fore- means before, explain the definition of the following word:
To tell about a future event; typically in stories
If pre- means earlier than, or prior, explain the definition of the following word:
To give an opinion on something before you have all the facts
If pro- means forward, or in favor of, explain the definition of the following word:
Extend the duration of something
If post- means after, explain the definition of the following word:
After an operation; healthcare
If fore- means in front of, explain the definition of the following word:
The ground that is in front of the scene, typically in a photo, a play, etc.
If pre- means earlier than, or prior, explain the definition of the following word:
To try to keep something from happening
If pro- means forward, or in favor of, explain the definition of the following word:
To send an intention forward
If post- means after, explain the definition of the following word:
The writing that is written after the main letter, typically signed with P.S.
If fore- means before, explain the definition of the following word:
To see the future
If pre- means earlier than, or prior, explain the definition of the following word:
Happening before things were written in historic
If pro- means forward, or in favor of, explain the definition of the following word:
Move forward in something; job
If post- means after, explain the definition of the following word:
Taking place after the typical sport season