World Organizations
Types of Governments
Foreign Affairs Vocab
American Foreign Policy
Pot Luck

This organization was created after WWII.  It replaced the League of Nations

What is the United Nations (UN)?


In this type of govt., the people vote to decide on who their leader will be

What is Democracy?


assistance, typically financial or material, provided by one country to another to support development, alleviate poverty, or address humanitarian needs.

What is Foreign Aid?


This doctrine was created to combat terrorism after the attacks of September 11, 2001.

What is the Bush Doctrine?


This country won the 2022 FIFA World Cup

What is Argentina?


This North American organization replaced NAFTA

What is the USMCA?


In this type of govt., the people are led by a king or Queen

What is a Monarchy?


The original Greek meaning of this word means, "rule by the people"

What is Democracy?


This doctrine was created after WWII with the intention of limiting the spread of communism in Europe by financially assisting at risk countries.

What is the Truman Doctrine?


In Batman, he is Bruce Wayne's butler

Who is Alfred?


This is a political and economic union of 27 European countries aimed at fostering cooperation, peace, and prosperity through integration and shared policies. 

What is the European Union (EU)?


China and Cuba use this type of government

What is Communism?


a high-ranking official appointed by a government to represent their country's interests and maintain diplomatic relations with another country.

What is an Ambassador?


This doctrine was created to keep Europe from intervening the affairs of nations in the western hemisphere (The Americas)

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


This is Beyonce's last name

What is Knowles?


This is an international organization that promotes global monetary cooperation, financial stability, and economic growth. 

What is the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?


a form of government where religious leaders hold political authority and the state's governance is based on religious laws and principles.

What is a Theocracy?


a period of reduced tension or hostility between nations, often involving diplomatic efforts to promote peaceful coexistence.

What is Detente?


This was the name of The United States policy for dealing with the Soviet Union (USSR) through the 1950's-1980's.

What is containment policy?


Shaqille O'Neal attended this university

What is Louisiana State University (LSU)?


This is an international organization that facilitates trade negotiations, resolves disputes, and sets global trade rules among its member countries.

What is the World Trade Organization (WTO)?


This type of government is usually run by a dictator or a tyrant (Hint: Starts with an "A")

What is an Authoritarian government?


 a system of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of individuals or families (usually the rich).

What is an Oligarchy?


At George Washington's farewell address, he advised his fellow Americans that they should engage in this type of foreign policy.  This would help the young nation from becoming entangled in the affairs of other nations.

What is Isolationism?


This rapper/artist real name is Isis Naija Gaston

Who Is Ice Spice?