A state of political tension and military rivalry between two superpowers. Also referred to as the red scare
What was the cold war
This department is responsible for protecting the United States against terrorism
What is the Department of Hmeland Security
This country has received the most foreign aid from the United States
What is Ukraine
Collective Security
Lend Lease Act
A policy that allowed the U.S. to provide military supplies and aid to allied countries during WWII
He is the nations chief diplomat and commander in chief of armed forces
Who is the President
This department is responsible for boarder and transportation security, infrastructure protection, emergency preparedness/response, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense, and information analysis
What is the Department of Homeland Security
Collective security led the creation of this group
What is the United Nations
What country contributes the most money to the United Nations
What is the United States
Open Door Policy
Prevented a single nation from exclusively trading with China
This department is responsible for dealing with foreign affairs
What is the Department of State
The United States protected Latin America with a document called this
What was the Monroe Doctrine
What was the main purpose of NATO after the Cold War
To expand Eastward
Foreign Aid
economic and military aid given to other countries