interview vs interrogation
deductive and inductive
investigating a crime scene
body regions and orientation
crime scene photography

what do you call a conversation that questions a person that is not accusatory

what is an interview


what do you call a general but uncertain conclusion

what is induction.


what is the first question you ask when entering a crime scene? (you do not have to use what is for the answer)

who is the perpetrator and who is the victim


Hands at sides 

Palms facing forward

Feet together

Front view (anterior)

Back view (posterior)

all describe what position

what is the anatomical position


why take a photograph at a crime scene (one answer will work though there are multiple answers)

  • Photographs document the scene in a way people can understand.

  • Photographs can be used to recreate the crime and to prove or disprove a suspect’s explanation.

  • They can help a jury understand where and how the crime was committed.

  • A picture is worth a thousand words.


what is a conversation that involves logic and ration arguments and systematic questioning?

what is an interrogation


what do you call a specific / certain conclusion

what is deduction


what is the second question for crime scene goals? (you do not have to use what is for this answer)

what happened, when, and why

the definition of this word states 

toward the head ed or upper part of a structure or the body above. what is the word 

what is the superior cranial


what does a picture have to be for it to be admissible in court?

what is fair and accurate


what is the purpose of an interrogation you do not have to say (what is for this question)

the purpose is to gain a confession


If the reasoning employed in an argument is valid and the argument’s premises are true, then the argument is said to be

what is sound


what do you call the next two steps of investigation

what is processing, identify the victim,


the definition of the word follows toward or at the mid line of the body; on the inner side of 

what is medial


what must one do when getting started to take pictures (there are two answers one will work though)

what is secure the scene and evaluate conditions


what is the purpose of an interview (you do not have to say what is for this answer).

to gain information


the inferences drawn may be placed on a continuum ranging from

what is cogent to fallacious


what are the first 3 steps of identification

what is approaching, confirm or dis-confirm death, preserving.


what divides the body into anterior/posterior parts? (hint it is one word) still have to use what is

what is frontal


name 3 of the recommended equipment for photography (hint it was on the recommended equipment slide)

what is normal lens, wide angle lens, close up lenses, electronic flash with remote, tripod, extra batteries, flashlight, filters, evidence markers, ruler, scales, felt pen, camera, film/storage card,notebook and pen.


what is the 9 step process used for interrogation?

what is the Reid technique


what is used more every day deduction or induction

what is deduction


what are last four of the protocols for crime scene investigation

 notify next of kin, develop theory of motive, seek additional information, and questioning.


what divides the body into superior/ inferior parts also known as a cross section. (hint this is also one word)- still have to use what is 

what is transverse


name 3 things that control photography exposure

what is shutter speed, lens aperture, and scene luminance.