What are the 3 types of passes?
escorted, accompanied, and indirectly supervised
What does ORB stand for?
Ontario Review Board
What are the types of orders that can be listed on a disposition?
1. Detention Order
2. Conditional Discharge
3. Absolute Discharge
Which pass can you go to community escorted?
Who is on the ORB Panel?
- Retired Judge
- Community Member
- Psychiatrist
- Legal Representative of the Hospital (Crown)
- Psychologist
- Client's Counsel
What is the difference between a detention order and a conditional discharge order?
The way you are brought back to hospital - with conditional you are brought back via the mental health act, with detention you are brought back on a form 49
Which pass can you begin the approved person process?
Level 3
What is the name of the document that summarizes your recovery on an annual basis?
ORB Hospital Report
What types of clauses are included in the disposition? (Name at least 3)
1. Maximum level of privileges
2. Conditions of how far one is able to go from the hospital
3. Conditions of how often one has to check in with the hospital/treatment team
4. Conditions of no-contact orders
5. Condition of substance use
What is the difference between a level 7 pass and a level 9 pass?
Level 7- indirectly supervised access to community for structured rehabilitation programming (i.e., employment, education, volunteering, community programs). Max duration 10 HOURS!
Level 9- indirectly supervised access to community for extended periods of time, more specifically for overnights to housing for discharge purposes
What are the two common types of ORB hearings?
1. Annual ORB Hearing
2. Restriction of Liberty (ROL) Hearing
What is the difference between NCR and Not Fit to Stand Trial?
NCR - Not Criminally Responsible - The person committed the criminal act whereby at the time of the offence, the person suffered from a mental disorder which rendered them incapable of: 1) understanding the nature and quality of the act, or 2) knowing that it was wrong.
Unfit: If a client is 1) unable to understand what is happening during court (i.e., the nature or object of the court proceedings); 2) Understand the possible outcomes of the proceedings, or 3) Unable to communicate with/instruct their lawyer
What does OPIC stand for and what do they have to do with the pass ladder?
OPIC = Office of the person in charge
OPIC is accountable to the ORB in the management of individuals in their care. OPIC is responsible to ensure that the ORB disposition is followed, and they must design and implement a program for the recovery of each individual in its care.
How does the ORB make its decisions? What is considered?
1. Is the individual a risk to members of the public?
2. How is the individual’s current mental? How has it been over the past year?
3. How well integrated into society is the individual?
4. Does the individual have other needs to consider?
What are treatment orders?
If a person is found Unfit to Stand trial the court can order the person to be placed on a Treatment Order (Form 48) to try to make the person Fit to Stand Trial.
Under a Treatment Order:
- The person will receive treatment at a mental health facility
- The person does not have to consent to treatment
- The treatment can happen for up to 60 days