Limited Prep
Dramatic Interp

Preform this 30 second news story (how far you get into the story has no effect on your score), 2 minutes prep.

That really happened? Shocking


Play charades! We'll give you a prompt (an emotion), and the judges(s) must guess it within a minute

Congrats! You did it!


Preform this tongue twister properly once within a minute

“All I want is a proper cup of coffee 

made in a proper copper coffee pot

I may be off my dot

But all I want a cup if coffee

From a proper coffee pot”

Yay, you did it!


Write a 30 second speech on anything you want. 2 minute prep, prompts if needed: AI art, global warming, fast fashion, why money buys happiness 

I'm convinced!


Preform the poem, “How to be a Person” by Shane Koyczan, 1 minute (your ability or inability to finish has no affect on your score)

That was so good I'm tearing up :')


 Debate one of the other competitors based off the prompt, “who would win in a fight, a chicken or a cow”

30 second for the first side, 30 seconds for the other, 1 minute rebuttle

Yay, you won!


Preform an excerpt from Oprah’s Tennessee State Commencement Speech, 2 minutes prep, 1 minute speech

How inspirational!


Read aloud this children’s book in an engaging manner, 2 minute (your ability or inability to finish the book has no effect on your score)

That was so good I'm getting flashbacks to my childhood!


Give a speech based off of the quote,“If an action tires your body but puts your heart at ease, do it”, 1.5 minutes

Good speech!


Find a partner and write a “speech” together based off of the prompt: is AI a net positive or negative to the world? 2 minute prep, 1 minute speech, internet is allowed for research

You and your partner synchronized so well!


Preform this passage from the hunger games (2 minutes, your ability or inability to finish the passage has no effect on your score) 

Wowwww, very entertaining!


Market a common classroom item as if it were the best thing since sliced bread, 2 minutes

You're so right, Imma go buy it now!