Questioned Documents
Hair and Fiber

Often denoted by a number, such as 9mm, .22, .223, .308, .50

What is caliber?


The forging of currency; also the forging of other government-issued documents and the production of fake name-brand products for profit.

What is counterfeiting?


Forensic dentistry involves the study of teeth with the intention of providing facts to be used as evidence in court. What is another name for this field of study?

What is forensic odontology?


A drug or other chemical compound whose manufacture, distribution, possession, and use are regulated by the legal system.

What is a controlled substance?


The smallest indivisible unit of a textile, it must be at least 100 times longer than wide.

What is a fiber?


The turns and spirals down the barrel of a rifle or handgun.

What is rifling?


The making, altering, or falsifying of personal documents or other objects with the intention of deception.

What is forgery?


An impression that is visible to the unaided eye.

What is a patent impression?


A substance naturally produced by a living thing that can cause illness or death in humans.

What is a toxin?

Small repeating molecules that can link to form polymers.

What is a monomer?


The study of a projectile in flight; including the launch and behavior of the projectile

What is ballistics.


A person who scientifically analyzes handwritten, type written, photocopied, and computer generated documents and their materials for authenticity. 

What is a document expert?


The distance from the center of the front wheel of a vehicle to the center of the rear wheel on the same side.

What is the wheelbase distance?

A substance affecting the nervous system by increasing alertness, attention, and energy, as well as elevating blood pressure, heart rates, and respiration.

What is a stimulant?


Not having a defined shape; fibers composed of a loose arrangement of polymers that are soft, elastic, and absorbing

What is amorphous?

Evidence that would be found on a spent cartridge.

What are ejector marks, extractor marks, firing pin impressions, fingerprints.


Ordering someone else's checks from a deposit slip, directly altering a check, intercepting someone's check, altering, and cashing it, and creating forged checks from scratch

What is check forgery?


Impression requiring special techniques to be visible to the unaided eye.

What is a latent impression?


The two most commonly abused drugs leading to death in the United States.

What are synthetic opioids and alcohol.

Cotton, wool, silk, and cashmere are all examples of this.

What are natural animal fibers.


The soot and particles of unburned gunpowder deposited on a person who discharges a firearm and may also be found on close-range victims and adjacent surfaces

Gunshot Residue


Biometric signature pads, infrared spectroscopes, tracking dots on printers, special inks and fibers in currency.

What are ways to check for counterfeiting, forgery, and falsified documents.


Evidence from footprints can be lifted and imaged using these techniques. 

Electrostatic dusting and lifting, casting with plaster of paris, casting with gels, photographing impressions. 


Some classes of compounds that we have talked about in class.

What are hallucinogens, depressants, stimulants, steroids, narcotics, toxins, heavy metals.


Direct transfer and secondary transfer are concepts of forensic science backed by which principle, named after a famous scientist.

What is Locard's principle of exchage.